Essential Wine Storage Tips From Wine Connoisseurs

Useful Essential Wine Storage Tips From Wine Connoisseurs

While some people purchase wine and drink it immediately, others prefer to let it sit for a few days, months, or even years before consumption.

However, if stored improperly, the wine can be altered and ruined. Therefore, even if you plan to drink it in a few days, it’s important to abide by these essential wine storage tips.

Store Bottles Horizontally

If you’ve ever looked at wine racks, most of them are purposefully constructed to hold the wine horizontally. When a bottle is placed horizontally, the cork remains moist, which prevents it from drying up and allowing air to seep in. If this happens, the wine could age too quickly.

The only wine that does not need to be stored horizontally is sparkling wine, as the bottle contains air pressure that keeps the wine carbonated.

Be Conscious of Temperatures and Humidity

The temperature your wine is stored at can significantly impact the makeup of the wine. A temperature that is too hot can age the wine quickly, which is wonderful if you’d like to experience the taste of the wine aged a few months in a few weeks. However, it also means that it will only be in peak season for a few weeks rather than a year. While the proper temperature fluctuates depending on the specific wine, 55 degrees Fahrenheit is generally acceptable for most wines. Regardless of the wine, it should never be stored below 30 degrees Fahrenheit or above 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Humidity is another tricky aspect of wine storage. If you store your wine in a humid location, it can cause mold to grow. However, if you store it in a very dry area, the cork will contract and cause seepage, which degrades the wine. Therefore, about 60 percent humidity is ideal, though 55 to 70 percent is generally acceptable.

To achieve the perfect balance of temperature and humidity, consider purchasing a wine refrigerator. Unlike regular refrigerators that are typically dry and cold, wine refrigerators are designed to maintain an appropriate temperature of 55 degrees Fahrenheit and an ideal humidity level.

Store Bottles in Dim Lighting

UV rays are damaging to wine, so it’s important to store your wine in a dimly lit room. If your wine is stored in an area that is too bright, the light alters its phenolic compounds and damages its chemical makeup. Wine stored in clear, light green or light blue bottles are at a higher risk as light can penetrate them more easily.

Therefore, store your wine in a dimly lit cellar to preserve its chemical makeup and allow it to age gracefully.

Avoid Storage Near Vibrations

Another danger to your wine is vibrations. When a wine ages, its sentiments sink to the bottom, leaving only the pure liquid at the top. However, if you have a loud stereo or a washer machine near your wine, it can prevent the wine from aging properly. Therefore, try to find a quiet place in your house or basement to allow the wine to age properly.

Wrapping Up

To get the ultimate flavor from your wine, follow these storage tips. Even if you plan to store your wine for a few days, you may dramatically alter the taste of it by storing it improperly. Therefore, take a few minutes to consider your storage routine and avoid serving spoiled wine.

Jon Notarius learned about wine from a young age from his dad, Burton Notarius, the founder of the nationally-recognized store, Premier Wine & Spirits, in Buffalo. In 2002, Jon founded Prestige Wine & Spirits, which quickly became recognized as a market leader amongst wine retailers.

Following his father’s passing in 2014, Jon returned to Premier Wine & Spirits to manage the store that Burt had founded in 1969, placing considerable emphasis on growing the store’s online business, Jon’s extensive travels through many of the world’s wine regions, along with decades of tasting wines, have given him a broad palate. He lists Italy and France as his two favorite places, for both their wine and their food.

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