Use Travel Videos

How to Use Travel Videos as a Resource When Planning a Trip

Nowadays there are tons of travel videos and vlogs out there created by amateur and professional travel enthusiasts alike. Cumulatively these videos are an amazing resource – one that you could, and should, use when planning a trip.

“What Can You Learn From Travel Videos?”

To use travel videos as a resource, you first need to understand what it is that you want to learn from them. Some of the information that such videos typically contain include:

  • Places that you can stay and the types of accommodation that are available.
  • Places of interest to visit, both in terms of mainstream tourist spots and off-the-beaten-path areas.
  • Activities that may be suitable ranging from adrenaline-fueled thrills to family fun.
  • Cultural points of interest and things you need to know about the locals.
  • Warnings of things not to do either in terms of local laws, customs, or other sensitivities.
  • General tips and advice about anything and everything under the sun.

All that is just the tip of the iceberg, but suffice to say there’s a whole lot of valuable information that you can glean. That being said it is best if you find the right travel videos to use as a resource.

“What Travel Videos Should You Watch?”

It is generally best to choose travel videos that suit the type of trip you want to take, and jive with your interests. A good place to start would be to look at examples of the top travel vloggers, and other travel videos.

Essentially the more relevant the travel video and the more you are able to associate with it, the better. As you watch each video you should keep in mind the list above so that you are able to pinpoint information that may be useful.

Be sure to keep track of any travel guides or vloggers that you find particularly interesting, as odds are you may want to check if they have information about any destination you visit in the future as well.

Take Lots of Notes

It is always best to take lots of notes as you watch the videos so that you don’t forget anything that may be useful. If you want you could go the traditional route with a pen and notepad, or you could jot down notes on any app on your phone.

If possible you may want to download travel videos that you find particularly useful and keep them on your mobile devices. Just make sure they are converted so that they are optimized and compressed, and for example, you could use some video converter and learn how to put movies on iPad if you want.

While there are lots of other lists of travel resources that are readily available online, travel videos offer a unique perspective that is the next best thing to actually being there. By taking advantage of them you should be able to gather a lot of extremely relevant information and plan your trip more effectively.


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