5 Least Expected Presents

5 Least Expected Presents

5 Least Expected PresentsI know that the best surprise a person can have in an unexpected surprise. Surprising your closest friends and family with an unexpected gift can sure bring about a whole barrel of laughs and giggles, and make any celebration turn truly successful. But the only way we can do that is to forgo any preconceived notions that we may have in regards to present giving, present receiving etc. We must be fast like the wind and strong like the mountain. Here are some interesting unorthodox present ideas that are sure to put a smile on any face, regardless of its pre-smile position.

1. The “Sexy” Calendar

This one is fairly simple to do and it would require nothing, but a swimsuit model calendar and some pictures of the ugliest person you can find. First we begin by cutting off the entire girl’s faced with a pair of scissors. You can skip the cutting part if that is more to your liking. Then we are going to pace the ugly photo over the faces of the beautiful women. That is sure to give the whole party some full hearty laughs. Of course you can skip making the calendar yourself and buy one that is already “sexy”.

2. Bitter Chocolate Surprise

This gag is best left for celebrating a woman co-worker’s birthday. What you do is, you buy a box of the most delicious looking chocolate bonbons and fill them with something that is not so delicious – like mustard, or mayo. You can use a big syringe to discard the content of the bonbon and fill it with a flavor your choosing. Just be careful to punch a hole at the bottom, not the top of the delicious bonbon – otherwise you risk being exposed and there will be no laughs for the office that day.

3. Foreign Money

Not all unexpected surprises have to be negative. Why not give someone some money? But to make it more interesting and unexpected, you can go to your local bank and get some foreign money. It is going to be funny because you can choose a currency that is super-inflated – like the Japanese yen. This way, when you give let’s say $20, it would be like 2000 yen or something, and the person will think that he is getting more, when the truth of the matter will be quite different.

4. Laser-Corrective Surgery

What better way to tell the people you love that you care for them, than a good, old-fashion laser eye surgery. Sure it tends to get rather expensive, but when you love someone money should never be issues. I can guarantee you that this gift is among the least expected gifts you can give, and it would be one of the greatest gifts anyone can give anyone. Just make sure you are sending your friends into the hands of a professional and not some quack – we are not going after damaging or hurting our friends, now are we?

5. A Romantic Vacation

Not many couples go on romantic vacations nowadays. People prefer to spend the little time they have in front of the TV, or on the Internet. Why not surprise your spouse with an all inclusive spa treatment, or better yet – why not go to Paris? It is completely unexpected and it would bring you some of the best memories of your life.


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