The Best Tips To Do A French Pedicure At Home

best tips to do a French pedicure at home

Our feet are an important part of our body, they are what allow us to transport ourselves from one place to another and give us the opportunity to perform different physical activities.

However, sometimes we do not pay the necessary attention to them and we forget that they deserve the same care as the skin on our face or hands.

A good pedicure is always an excellent option because in addition to keeping your feet clean and free of bacteria, the process of making it gives us a moment of relaxation and personal care.

Personally, until a few months ago I was not used to doing a pedicure as such, I used to only cut and file my nails, when I began to do it a custom I discovered that in addition to giving my feet a better appearance, I realized that it is a moment for me in the which I relax and forget about everyday worries, is one of my moments of ‘self-love’.

Among the benefits of a pedicure are: the prevention of aging, hydration, activates and improves circulation, exfoliates, and generates an anti-stress effect or sensation.

Most Popular Pedicure Technique

There are different pedicure techniques, however, the french pedicure is one of the most classic and timeless designs out there, and doing it at home is easier than you think.

This article explains the complete process for you to pamper yourself and do your own pedicure at home step by step, as well as the tools you need.

10 Steps To Perform A French Pedicure At Home

Step #1: Disinfect and clean

The first step you must do is to disinfect the area where you will perform the pedicure, later in case you have remains of enamel, you must remove them with acetone or pure acetone in case your current enamel is a gel.

If this is the case, you must clean and file the nail in order to remove the shine from the enamel, then use a cotton ball, moisten it with pure acetone and wrap it with your nail with the help of a piece of aluminum foil.

Step #2: Trim your nails

Once you have already removed the polish in its entirety, you can trim the nails, this is one of the parts where we usually make more mistakes because the toenails must be cut in a specific way, in a square shape since if you cut them Rounds tend to bury themselves, which could lead to other problems with your feet.

In case cutting is not necessary, you can just file them.

Step #3: Relax and detox

At the end of this process, use salt with warm water, you can use homemade salt or get a special mix for this.

This step is done as a method of relaxation, anti-inflammation, and detachment of the cuticle to be able to remove it more easily, for better results, keep your feet in the warm water for 10 minutes.

Step #4: Remove dead cells

The next thing is to carve your heels and the metatarsal area in order to remove dead cells; since generally when the feet are dry, the heels are usually the most affected area.

For example, this usually appears on people who use a lot of heels; Because of this, you can use a foot file to remove dryness.

Step #5: Remove the cuticle

Remove the cuticle of the nail with a cuticle pusher or an orange stick, which you can get in the supermarket, for this step you need to check if you have any buried nail. You can use pliers for this to cut your cuticle and the excess that you have on the sides of your nails.

With the orange stick or cuticle pusher, you can remove the dead cells that accumulate on the sides of your nail.

If you have a cuticle, you need it,” González says. Instead of using a wooden stick to push the cuticles back, or cutting the cuticle entirely, which is “an open door for germs to get into your system,” look for an unlikely tool found in any bathroom: a toothbrush. “The soft hair of the brush will not attack the skin as the stick would.”

Step #6: Exfoliate

To prepare your own scrub at home you can use sugar and honey; Another way to do this is by using liquid soap and sugar ingredients that will help you obtain better hygiene.

Massage your feet and enjoy the process.

Step #7: Moisturize

After exfoliation, remove your feet from the ‘tub‘ and apply moisturizing cream since exfoliation can dry out your feet.

Step #8: Apply a Base Coat

A common mistake that I make is to start painting my nails without first applying a base, if like me it has happened to you, you have seen that when you remove polish, your nails are stained yellow, well it is best to use a transparent base coat. Make sure this product leaves a matte finish.

Step #9: Start drawing

To begin to draw the line that characterizes this type of technique, you must use a base where you can place a little white enamel, as well as a fine-tipped brush which you will use to draw the lines, if you don’t have a brush, you can use a fine-tipped q tip, if you prefer to use this type of tool, you must first wet the tip so that the cotton lint does not stick to your nail.

The thickness of the line depends on your taste and preference, they are generally 2mm.

If you feel that the line is too thick, you can always erase the area that you do not like by using another tip with a little acetone.

10 – Apply nail polish

As a final step, apply a clear varnish to give a shiny finish, when your nails are dry you will be more than ready to wear your favorite sandals.

Products to be able to perform a pedicure at home can be found in any supermarket or establishment that sells beauty products.

4 Common Mistakes When Doing Pedicures At Home

1. Cut nails in a round shape

Unlike the nails of the hands to which we can give them practically the shape we want, those of the feet have to be cut and filed in a square shape.

Since otherwise, we run the risk of suffering from ingrown nails.

2. Use tools that have not been previously disinfected.

Even when you do not share your tools, it is important that every time you use them you clean and disinfect them correctly.

In case they are rusty it is necessary to replace them, try to keep them out of the shower to prevent the humidity from generating fungi and bacteria.

3. Leave the nail polish for a long time

It is recommended that you continually change the enamel of your nails because if you keep it more than the appropriate time, fungi, molds, and yeasts can be generated.

4. Special moisturizing cream for feet

It is very important that after exfoliating your feet you apply a moisturizing cream, however, we recommend that the main objective of the product is to hydrate your feet; since the skin in that area of ??the body is much thicker so not just any type of cream manages to penetrate the skin layers.

What you will need to do a french pedicure at home

  1. Acetone or pure Acetone
  2. Cotton Balls
  3. Foil paper
  4. Salt
  5. Bucket with warm water
  6. Homemade scrub
  7. Moisturizer
  8. Nail file
  9. Foot file
  10. Nail clipper
  11. Pliers
  12. Orange stick
  13. Nail Disinfectant
  14. White nail polish
  15. Brush or Q-tip
  16. Base coat
  17. Clear nail polish

With over 5 years of experience in digital media focused on fashion and beauty, Ana Vega is our Beauty Writer. She began writing for print magazines in Mexico where she discovered her passion for creating content. Since she started working with our co-founder Mayela Vazquez, she has been involved in beauty and skincare issues.  Her passion for beauty brought her to Within The Trend, where she shares her tips, interviews top professionals and translates all the trends into our content on the website and social media platforms.

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