How To Have Shiny Diamond Rings Forever!

Shiny Diamond Rings

Diamonds are among the most expensive and beautiful materials for making jewellery. They are the most popular material for engagement rings and after the initial excitement, you realise that you should take utmost care of your new possession. Despite the fact that they are said to be unbreakable, they need some proper attention and cleaning on regular basis even if you don’t wear them every day.

There are numerous factors that have a negative impact on the condition of your diamond rings – body lotions, grime, shampoo, even some soaps and dish washing liquids. Most rings are covered with a layer intended to protect the diamonds from any potential damages but treating the rings by using harsh chemicals may lead to removing that layer that is so important for preserving your diamond rings excellent condition.

You can get your ring clean by using a homemade cleanser that contains the following ingredients:

  1. Mix equal parts of mild dish washing liquid and warm water, soak the ring and let it stay for a couple of minutes. Make sure you have a soft brush to use for removing the dirt. You do have to use soft brush to avoid any scratches! When you are done, rinse in warm water and use a soft towel to help it get dry. If the usage of soft brush is not enough to remove all the dirt, try with a toothpick. Same procedure can be performed with a kind of alcohol (vodka is a suitable one).
  2. Every household should have ammonia that would do an excellent job when it comes to diamond cleaning. Mix equal parts of ammonia and warm water and soak the ring for no more than 15 seconds. Use a toothbrush or regular mild brush to remove the grime. Rinse and dry with appropriate towel.
  3. The well – known glass cleaner can also be a solution to your ring cleaning troubles. Spray and repeat the procedure, described above.
  4. If you are unwilling to clean your precious item with home made detergents, you can always buy a professional one that contains mild ingredients and the excellent results are guaranteed, or go and see your jeweller who knows best how to clean the diamond ring safely and properly.

Make a habit of putting your diamond on the shelf before showering so you will get rid of half of the dirt that otherwise would be accumulated. Always make sure the hand cream is completely dry before placing the ring back on your finger.

As we have mentioned above, diamonds are hardest materials known up to now. However, if you keep them together with your other jewellery or other diamonds, they might get unpleasant scratches.

Don’t do any gardening, house cleaning or any other house chores before you put your ring down. Although diamonds are durable, the careless treatment may cause damages. Under no circumstances let a direct contact between your diamond ring and bleach. Remember that if you take utmost care of your rings, you will barely have to perform thorough cleaning procedures and you will enjoy their beauty for the years to come.

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