Diamond cuts and shapes explained

Diamond cuts and shapes
Diamond cuts and shapes

In Middle Ages diamonds were worn rough, or cut and polished only on the upper surface. The outline of the diamond when viewed from the top is refer to the diamond’s shape (the general outward appearance).All diamond shapes have different attributes, but overall the beauty of the individual shapes is a matter of personal taste.

The diamond cut does not refer to diamond’s shape but the symmetry, proportioning and polish of a diamond. Cut is the reference to a diamond’s reflective qualities. The cut of a diamond greatly impacts diamond brilliance; this means if it is cut poorly, it will be less luminous. Most diamonds are cut for weight retention, which often results in a deviation from “good proportions“.

Diamond cuts and shapes

There are standards of cutting to produce the optimum of brilliance. Cut is a diamond’s most important characteristic. It has the greatest overall influence on a diamond’s beauty. It determines what we generally think of as sparkle. A poorly cut diamond will have a dull appearance even if it has perfect color and clarity.  The cut is considered one of the most important diamond characteristics by gemologists.

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