10 Beauty Tips for Healthy Pink Lips

pink hot lips of girl

Although beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, it’s quite overwhelming when the majority of people talk of your beauty. Soft lips help you achieve outstanding beauty as they help in brightening anyone’s face. Pinkish tinge on the lips is a proper sign of good health and thus a desire for everyone to have one Although there are lots of remedies in achieving the beautiful pink lips like pollution and harsh conditions around us, there are several beauty tips that can help you achieve this In this article, I will take you through the top ten beauty tips that can help you achieve outstanding healthy pink lips.

1. Moisturizing your lips

Dryness and champing lips leads to its darkening and pigmentation. It’s advisable to apply the lip balm frequently throughout the day so as to keep your lips moisturized all day long. It should be noted that some lip balms are addictive hence need to take precaution when choosing them. Lip balms with ingredients like Cadillac wax, Almond Oil and Vitamin E turn out to be of great help as compared to petroleum based lip balms. This tip will always be the first one in achieving healthy pinkish lips.

2. Scrub your lips

Lip scrubbing act helps you to get rid of the dead cells, hence achieving soft and healthy pink lips. There are several ways of scrubbing lips, the major one involving coating the lips with heavy lip balm before sleeping and then scrubbing off the dead cells with a tooth brush the next morning when brushing. Lip scrubbing mostly result into baby soft kissable lips and pink in colour.

3. Hydrate yourself

Hydrating yourself leads to the hydration of the lips too. The hydration part of it brings out a pinkish tinge and an amazing look to the lips giving you a beautiful smile. The dry lips portray the opposite of this as they look dark and dull.

4. Avoid smoking

Smoking does not only cause cancer but also causes the darkening and discoloration of the lips. If you are looking forward in achieving soft pinkish lips, then smoking should be the first habit to quite. Besides just quitting smoking for the sake of attaining healthy lips, you will be able to enjoy a healthy living full of happiness.

5. Avoid licking your lips

Many people tend to lick their lips when they feel like they are getting dry. This is one of the behaviors that make the matter worse. It has been proved that licking the lips result into making them more dry and dull. So before you release your tongue to do the same, think of the damage you will be doing to your lips.

6. Avoid sun exposure

Continuous exposure to the sun result to lips darkening. This happens due to the presence of excess melanin pigment in the area The sun has been proved to be increasing the synthesis of melanin, hence the need for protecting yourself from these dangerous UV rays form the sun, by basically using lip products that will aid in achieving pink and healthy lips.

7. Maintaining a healthy diet

Continuous consumption of foods rich in vitamin C is very essential in attaining healthy lips. Vitamin C is proved to naturally moisturize the lips hence reducing pigmentation.

8. Use quality and good cosmetics

The usage of artificial cosmetics and a lot of lipstick can really be harmful to your lips and health in general. This has been attributed to the presence of corrosive and harmful chemicals in them. These low quality products cause lips pigmentation hence making sure the quality of lip balms are up to standards before buying or using.

9. Avoid chlorinated water or any contact

Chlorinated water has been proved to be also causing pigmentation of the lips. So in achieving healthy soft pinkish lips, keep off chlorinated water.

10. Keep oiling the belly button

This is one of the age-old home remedies of keeping the lips naturally pink and healthy. This involves applying few drops of mustard oil in your navel (belly button) before retiring to bed. This has helped many of those with black dry lips although the results are gradual. So apply regularly and be patient.


The above stipulated tips have been proved to be working in achieving healthy and pinkish lips. For any lips complications, it’s advisable to consider EHIC application. That lets you get state healthcare at a reduced cost and sometimes free. The insurance card is valid in all European Economic Area countries, including Switzerland and can be applied online although you should be aware of the fake websites.

Mathew Williams is a Passionate blogger. He works on behalf of ehic. He has been writing contents on the web professionally since 2006. As an avid reader and blogger, he shares his experience through his articles on Travel, Education, Technology, Parenting and many more.

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