Simple Home Remedies You Need To Know To Cure Rough Hair Days

Home Remedies You Need To Know To Cure Rough Hair

It doesn’t matter how well you look after your hair there are some days when it just doesn’t do what you want it to. Of course, it’s always the days when you have the least amount of time spare.

The good news is that you don’t need to call in sick or cancel your meeting with your friends, there is a simple cure that will work. Just try one of the following:

1. Enhance Your Curls

Sometimes the issue with your hair is that it doesn’t want to straighten. When you haven’t got time to rewash and dry your hair you need to consider embracing the curls.

This means enhancing them with a little maple syrup mixed with some olive oil, honey, and lemon juice. You can also add bananas if you wish. This has to be put on your head and left for 45 minutes before rinsing.

2. Limp Hair

If your hair is refusing to cooperate and simply looks limp then reach for the volumizer. This literally adds volume to your hair and stops it from looking limp and restless. It’s not a cure but it will help you to get through the day.

3. Dye Fading

We’ve all been there, your hair dye is just starting to fade, exposing a little more root than you’re comfortable with. You can temporarily repair this while finding the time to re-dye your hair.

The product you use will depend on your coloration. You can make any hair look brighter by rinsing your hair with cranberry juice. Alternatively, chamomile tea helps with ashy blonde hair, and champagne is great for golden tones.

All you have to do is rinse your hair through, dry it slowly, and then hit the town.

4. Dull hair

If your hair simply looks dull then it means your hair is lying flat, that’s how you get shiny air. The easiest way to fix this is to pour a little cider vinegar onto your hair. Comb it through and let it sit for five minutes. It will make a remarkable difference.


Using The Right Products

This isn’t a cure you can use in the morning, it’s an overall approach that will help to prevent you from having rough hair days. The key is to find the right products for your hair.

One more step is to click here and check out personalised hair products, using these will help your hair to behave. You should also consider what type of hair you have and what problems generally need to be addressed. For example, dry hair is usually due to using shampoos with harsh chemicals and blow-drying too often. It can even be from over-washing which strips the oils that your hair needs.

The right product eliminates these issues and even adds oil to your hair, increasing its health and shine.

Equally, if your hair is starting to thin, increase your protein consumption. You can do this through the food you eat and the products you use on your hair. If you prefer you can blend two egg yolks with two bananas and a little olive oil. Put this on your hair and leave it for 30 minutes to thicken your hair, at least until you shampoo it again.

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