6 Best Summer Style for Men 2015

Summer Style for Men 2015
Summer Style for Men 2015

We read so much about women’s clothing and the newest trends, what makes us believe that they are the only ones who care about fashion and style. However, walking down the street we can notice a lot of men who obviously take good care of their looks, and spend more than just a few minutes in the morning trying to decide what to wear that day. So if you are one of them and wish to be the best dressed this summer, here are a couple of the latest trends and advices on how to attract the right kind of attention.

1. 70’s are Back

Along with the love for this era came the admiration for the style of people who lived at that time. One of the statement materials was denim, so it is high time you found a place for it in your closet. From casual look, to refined one, denim can take many forms. As it can be quite hot in the summer, go for the above-knees light denim shorts, that combines with simple and well-fitted shirt that you can wear just about anywhere.

2. Statement Color

The woman in the red dress is a well-known symbol of more exciting life, something more exhilarating. So why are there no men in red? For some it is hard to pull-off, as it is obvious that it attracts a lot of attention, but wearing it, a man shows just how bold and confident he is. From brick, to blood red, it does not matter, it can go from casual cherry polo shirt to elegant red pants combined with white top that will make an outstanding evening wear for hot summer nights.

3. Light Jacket

Even though it is mostly unbearably hot, you never know when a light summer breeze can turn into a stronger wind ad bring rainy clouds and lower temperatures. That is why you always need to have a summer jacket waiting for an unpleasant surprise like this. Make sure that it is made of light fabrics like cotton, that you can even wear when the temperature is high but you still need to look professional. Linen is also a great choice, as it is made from a plant based fiber and prevents the moisture from getting to your skin.

4. Watch For The Stripes

One of the most popular patterns for the last couple of seasons are stripes, and if you do not have any in your closet, it is high time you got at least one shirt. However, you need to be careful with them, as different types of stripes create different visual effect on your size and body shape. Horizontal ones will make you look wider, and the vertical higher, so first decide which effect you want to accomplish. The best would be to find a tailor who can advise you, say what is best for you, and make you custom dress shirts and bottoms to wear so that you would not have to worry whether they fit you or not.

5. Watch the Feet

But it does not matter what kind and color your pants and shirts are if you do not know how to combine them with the right footwear. Sandals became quite popular choice for warm summer days, however, it is important to remember that they are reserved for casual look exclusively. For those who wish to elevate their style a a bit, boat shoes are something men can never go wrong with. Not only do they come in various colors and can be combined with almost anything, they can be worn sockless, making you feel much more comfortable than in any other shoe or sneaker.

6. No More Headaches

When it is noon, the sun is burning, and you have to go out, you usually come back home with a terrible headache. To combine function and style, make an effort to find the right headwear to help you get through the day. Plant fibers will block the sunlight, but are able to let the airflow and keep your head cool and dry. Also make sure that it fits, that it is not too tight and uncomfortable, nor too wide to cover more than half of your forehead.

It is the 21st century, and women are not the only ones who care about their clothes and overall looks, as men’s fashion industry has became equally important and popular. So even if you are a guy, make sure that you follow the latest trends, both when it comes to clothing and fashion accessories.

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