7 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Split Ends Hair

Split Ends Hair min

Hair with split ends can never be healthy! Regular combing, styling, shampooing, and environmental factors cause hair damage, which can lead to split ends. But you can banish split ends completely by following some amazing tips.

Want to know about them? Check them right away!

1. Trim Hair on a Regular Basis

Trimming is an effective way to prevent split ends. Getting your hair trimmed once in two or three months will help keep a regular check on split ends. If you witness any random splits then trim them with scissors.

Also, trimming ensures that your hair stays healthy and away from regular worn and torn that occurs because of everyday combing, shampooing, and lifestyle.

2. Oil Hair Before Every Wash

Shampoos and hair cleansing agents can damage hair texture and appearance. Your hair can become frizzy and dry. This can result in the occurrence of split ends.

Oil your hair before every wash. Oil creates a protective sheath on hair. It even nourishes hair from deep within and helps restore the moisture balance. You can use your favorite oil to massage your hair and scalp like sesame oil, coconut oil, almond oil, and jojoba oil.

3. Apply Hair Serum

Hair serum can effectively combat bad split ends the problem. They can protect your hair from regular damage that can occur due to styling, combing, and other environmental factors. Also, it will smooth down frizz, fight splits ends and makes your hair look shiny and healthy.

No need to go for fancy brands. Use a hair serum that suits your hair type. Take a little amount and make sure you don’t over apply it. Excessive use of hair serum can increase oiliness within the scalp.

4. Allow Your Hair to Dry Naturally

Wet hairs are vulnerable to damage. Hence, they need to be treated with utmost care. Blow dryers or vigorous hair drying techniques can damage your hair. They can also result in tangling, twisting, and split ends.

Instead, get rid of excess water from your hair by wrapping your hair in a soft cotton cloth and then squeezing gently. After this, leave your hair to dry naturally. This way, your hair will stay away from damage and look healthier and smoother!

5. Avoid Using Heat Styling Tools

Flat-iron, blow dryers, hair curlers, and rollers are all different types of heat styling tools that can damage your hair. Excessive or regular usage of such products disturbs the natural moisture balance of hair. As a result, hair becomes rough, damaged, brittle, and dry.

The best solution is to stay away from such heat hair styling products. Being gentle with your hair and avoid using harsh tools will keep your hair healthy and free from split ends.

6. Use a Wide-Tooth Comb for Detangling

As already told, wet hair is prone to damage. If you will be harsh on your wet hair then the damage will be more. The best way to detangle your hair after shampooing is to use a wide-toothed comb.

If you have excess hair tangling problem then always apply a conditioner after shampooing your hair. Being harsh on hair can create tough knots and lead to breakage and damage. So, untangle with ease and try to comb your hair only when they are almost dry. This will prevent the occurrence of split ends.

7. Protect Hair from Harmful Environmental Factors

Wind, cold, sun and pollution can severely damage hair. Long-term exposure to such elements can make your hair prone to damage, breakage, and split ends.

Hence, whenever you step outside you may wear a scarf, cap or hat to protect your hair from harmful environmental factors.

Besides this, follow a regular hair maintenance schedule; avoid using hot water to wash your hair, and consume a healthy diet to get healthy, strong, and ‘split-ends free hair.’

Yuan Chen is a Manager at – T1Hairs, Brazilian Hair Extension Company. He has more than 6 years of experience in Hairdressing Industry.

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