How to Become A Fitness Model in 7 Easy Steps

How to Become A Fitness Model

Do you dream about becoming a fitness model but don’t really know what it takes? Are you in amazing shape and love to be on camera? This short guide will show you how to become a fitness model in 7 easy steps.

Before we go into the nitty-gritty of becoming a fitness model, let’s look over the common misconceptions about the industry and who are the most famous female fitness models.

Fitness modeling shares features of the fashion and fitness industry. Sports models must focus on their diet, training, posture, and health to reach the highest levels of fame. Many people consider that fitness or sports models have bodybuilders’ type muscle definition and that they’re extremely ripped. However, they’re just in good shape and toned.

Also, fitness models are not the backstage fit models used to check that the clothes are the right size and fit perfectly before being worn by fashion models on the runway.

So, here are the 7 steps on how to become a fitness model.

1. Set Your Goals

Depending on your physical traits and advantages you can decide which niche of fitness modeling best works for you. By learning where you can improve and what body features need adjustments, you can pick out the market which will allow you to shine. Whether you’re an athlete or just have an amazing body structure, you can decide what products you want to promote.

2. Configuring Your Body

In fitness modeling, your body is your instrument. So, if it’s finely tuned, you won’t need to worry about anything.

However, by carefully planning out your diet to include rich nutrients such as protein, vegetables, fruits, and vitamins, you’ll increase your body’s potential and help it withstand the training sessions of your workouts. If you’re not happy with your definition, cut out the carbs for a while, but always make sure you get your dose of carbs before training.

Keeping hydrated is also a must for any fitness model. Dehydration leads to lack of energy and can harm your overall health. Not to mention the damage it causes to your skin.

3. Track Progress

Keeping track of the progress your body is making is key to achieving your goals. By visualizing how the measurements are getting closer to your aim, you’ll push yourself even harder to get where you want to be.

You can use different apps to record anything from your weight, blood pressure, muscle/ fat ratio, body measurements, and heart rate. Or, you can take the old-school approach and write everything down in a journal.

4. Practice in front of the mirror. Get ready for the camera.

Practicing your poses in front of the mirror will help you make the needed adjustments to your posture and how you hold yourself. You may be confident and love your body, but things are different when you show up in front of a camera. It’s an art which can be learned through practice.

Consider hiring a coach to help you with movements and posing techniques. When you think you’re ready, turn on the camera and do your thing. Being as natural as possible is key to an authentic look.

5. Invest for Success

So, you have the body and the look, but you also need to have a professional portfolio or book to send out to modeling agencies or individual agents. To guarantee success, you should hire a professional photographer to help you create your image. Your portfolio is the first impression you make, so aiming for professional portfolio layout, content and setup is your best approach.

6. Research and Network

When you’ve put together your high-calibre portfolio and you’re satisfied with your overall look, you should dive into researching and finding the best fitness model agency capable of reflecting and promoting the look you want.

A modelling agency has various approaches to hiring. While an agency may require face to face meetings, another modelling agency could ask you to use the social media platform or the official online site to submit your application.

Networking is equally vital to your modeling career. Knowing the who’s who in the industry is crucial to becoming famous. Make friends and let the world know you’re up for the challenge.

7. Keep on Pushing

Just like any industry, the world of fitness modeling is highly competitive and can take a toll on the weak hearted. You’ll be dealing with love and hate comments, especially in the online social media environment. Keep your head up and stick to your game. Grow a thick skin and don’t let anyone pull you off track.

The Range of Physical Standards

Although your lifelong dream may be to become a fitness model and you’re extremely motivated, you should first check if you meet the industry’s physical requirements in terms of height and weight.

Although the weight and fitness levels are flexible, there’s not much you can do about your height, except if you want to take it to the extremes and undergo surgery. In the fitness modeling world, body type prevails, however, height can be a make it or break it factor. If you want to become a female fitness model you should be between 5’4″ to 6′ tall. However, men fitness models must be between 5’10 and 6’3″ in height.

The Look

Additionally to the body type and measurements, fitness models should also be very attractive and appealing to a large audience. They should have a great smile, beautiful and shiny hair and flawless skin to be considered marketable. A commercial look will guarantee increased hire rates by companies who wish to promote their products.

A Bit of Inspiration Before We Go

The famous Jennifer Nicole Lee or JNL, as known in the fitness modeling industry, is one of the leading female fitness models worldwide. She’s been featured in over 40 magazine covers, won multiple swimsuit competitions and has endorsed some of the largest companies in the world. The funny thing is that she never had any fitness or athletic experience prior to becoming a fitness model. Her weight was over 200 lbs. However, she shed the pounds and became Miss Bikini America 2016. If that’s not an inspiration, what is?

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