4 Reasons She’ll Love the Ring I Chose Even More

Princess Elite Diamond Ring

I was two minutes out of the door headed to work when she called.  “You forgot your files.  Did you need those?  I wouldn’t want you to worry.”  Yep.  She definitely loves me, and I feel the same.

I want to ask her to marry me this holiday season.  But I’m afraid and hesitant.  I don’t have cold feet about being her husband.

I’m nervous about buying the ring, a symbol of our love and dedication.  She’ll wear it forever.  That’s a lot of pressure.  She must love it.

I’ve narrowed down the decision by considering more factors she cares about.  This isn’t a journey of my purchase but a journey of finding something perfect for my future wife.

The Perfect Diamond

Stacy is a perfectionist.  Everything she does is done well.  I know I can’t give her a diamond lacking in perfection.  It’s why I’m searching for a Type IIa diamond, the purest kind of diamonds.

She reads and researches about all the factors which interest her.  Stacy and I spent days researching gemology, and reading about different types and qualities of stone.  We were intrigued to know that less than two-percent of the world’s diamonds are Type IIa. I remember her and friend discussing how a mutual acquaintance was unhappy with the ‘quality’ of ring she received.  That cannot be me!

How could I get anything less for a perfectionist?  Lab created diamonds can replicate such perfection, which is found so seldom in mines.  I feel secure knowing I can get her the best.

Ability to Choose

It’s a lady’s prerogative to have choices.  She likes variety; it makes it hard to assume her immediate and ongoing interests.  I’ve found in my research that colored diamonds were highly rare and can cost an excess of tens of thousands of dollars per carat.  However, lab-made diamonds enable a broader availability of yellow stones with a significantly lower price for higher quality than you can find in mined diamonds. DOUBLE WIN!

Yellow is her favorite color.  Man-made diamonds allow her to have more choices.  If Stacy’s wishes change direction, I’ll be able to address them accordingly.  She’ll love that.

Conscientious Tokens

Stacy is highly involved in our community and ongoing charity efforts.  She is socially conscience, at one point mentioning she did not want a traditional diamond because of the pollution and ecological implications of receiving one.  Mining damages the environment, polluting the air with carbon.

Lab-created diamonds ease Stacy’s anxieties about receiving an engagement ring.  The lab is a controlled environment, resulting in minimal carbon footprints, making products ecologically friendlier.  Saving the environment is important to Stacy; she devotes a lot of her spare time raising awareness, so getting an eco-responsible gift is a must.

Conflict-Free Diamonds

Stacy was very affected by a number of news stories and documentaries regarding ‘blood diamonds’ (we watched the movie together on one of our first dates). I’ll never forget the time she inquired about a pendant necklace I bought her, asking if those were ‘blood diamonds.’ In a number of mining lands, people experience personal and political unrest and harm due to the lucrative process. I told her I didn’t know, which was true and vowed to make sure that I never got her another.

Lab-created gems are origin guaranteed.  We know for certain that no questionable practices or funding a warlord faction would be associated with our selection.  She feels responsible in accepting the token of our love, and I know the source of my gift is ethical and humane.  There isn’t a brilliant diamond in the world that could compensate for Stacy’s level of awareness.   I’m glad I found a morally-conscience outlet of diamonds.

She’ll Love It

The diamond selection process involves a lot more than I originally thought.  But it’s a major step in our lives, and the diamond is the most precious thing I can give her as a symbol of my love.  There’s no replacement for her satisfaction.  She must love the ring.

I devoted time to learning, ensuring she loves the ring for its quality, her afforded choices, and the ecological and social awareness associated with lab-produced gemstones.  I’m not searching for an engagement ring; I’m searching for Stacy’s ring.  She will love it.

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