Tattoos as a Fashion Statement – Why Tattoos Part of a Fashion?

Tattoos Part of a Fashion

When tattooing found its way out of the traditionally practicing cultures into the world, it was first received by soldiers, prisoners, and other hardliners. This culture had not yet gained the kind of acceptance it has gained today. Back then, tattoos commonly adorned the skins of outcasts in society. Then followed a time when inking your skin made you cooler and edgy. During this phase, people tattooed their skin just to become unique.

Today, tattoos enjoy the widest acceptance than ever before. Being part of fashion has fuelled that outstanding acceptance rate, no doubt. But it is also part of the reasons why fashion has become more influential than ever before. But even that time is fading away. Today, its main purpose has been almost completely redefined. But why tattoos part of a fashion?

What Is A Tattoo?

A tattoo is simply a design that is etched into the skin with the use of needles and ink. It can consist of one or more sorts of artworks, ranging from simple symbols or letters to more detailed sketches or caricature. Likewise, it can be made up of one or more colors. People ink their skin for various reasons, too, including to mark accomplishment or just a passage into a new life.

Some do it to pass others a message that they deem essential. Others do it to remind themselves of something or someone special. And for these reasons, the tattoo has become something that can be adored in society. To some people, it soothes and calms them. Other than being a means to pass or share love, tattoos have given fashion not only a new look but also a new meaning.

Why Tattoos Are Fashion Statement Today

Often regarded as part of art, body inking has slowly but surely become part of fashion. Therefore, it is worth noting that fashion is no longer limited to hair, clothes, and shoes but now includes piercings and tattoos too. Whether tattoos are part of fashion or not has been a topic of discussion for a long time now. Many years ago, most people could have ruled out tattoos as a part of fashion, but things have changed now.

Even though this form of body art is a huge part of fashion today, at some point in the past, before their huge resurgence as a trending culture, they used to be considered unfavorable. Initially, tattoos were assigned affiliation to particular groups such as gangs and other undesirable communities. On the contrary, today, tattoos are highly accepted in most societies and are more popular than they ever have been. The last several decades has seen tattoo culture plays a significant role in the fashion industry. The same way, fashion has found its way into the tattoo culture.

Both industries have become part and parcel of each other, and for that reason, they complement each other in surprising ways. Tattoo subculture may have crawled into the fashion industry, but eventually, the skin inking practice has become a big part of it. Today, most collections are being designed around popular tattoo trends. This is evidence enough that masses have embraced this practice across traditional cultures. Tattoo enthusiasts today are inking even their favorite brand logos onto their bodies with pride. Since both industries are massive on their own, their continued partnering has created one wonderful world.

Amazingly, high-end fashion enthusiasts have also developed a secondary obsession with tattoos. It is almost impossible to find a fashion fanatic who does not have a ‘thing’ for tattoos. Likewise, celebrities from various fields of professions or industries, especially fashion models, are spotting large quantities of body ink. One of the reasons for this is that nothing complements outstanding fashion like a thoughtfully inked skin.

If at all, there is a message in both creativities, together they provide a contemporary method of conveying that message to the world. When perfectly matched, they come out as a new form of marrying art and fashion for the betterment of both. With tattoos on the side, fashion has become louder and more appealing. Similarly, the message has become clearer and more attractive to the audience. So society embraces it even further, and more and more people want to be part of it. Therefore, it grows quick and to some extent, beyond description.

Best Professional Rotary Tattoo Machine

You need to choose your tattoo artists carefully too. You need to be inked by qualified professionals who know what they are doing. Since the mark will remain on your skin for the rest of your life, do a thorough search for the best available artist. It may come at a price, but it will be worth it. One of the things you need to check for in a tattoo artist is the quality and quantity of equipment they have. Most important is the tattoo machines that the artist uses. From the list below, you can choose the best professional rotary tattoo machine.

  • Bishop Tattoo Machine

Bishop Rotary Tattoo Machine is one of the best premium tattoo machines on the market. It offers a lifetime guarantee and would provide quality performance for years. Also, it weighs just 3.8 ounces and runs quietly.

  • Bishop Micro Angelo Rotary Tattoo Machine

This machine runs so smoothly you can work for hours with it without getting tired. It comes with interchangeable 3.5 millimeters and 4.2 millimeters magnetic cams. It is also a tremendous direct drive rotary tattoo machine.

  • STIGMA Professional Rotary Slider M625-4

This rotary tattoo machine is made from high-quality materials and works so efficiently. It is suitable for pros and armatures alike. The device comes in a quality kit that contains a power cable and adjustment tools.

Final Verdict

One of the functions of tattoos is to pass a message to people who see them. And now they are favored for making statements in fashion. Even though each of the two industries’ being a billion-dollar industry is big enough, marrying them has created something bigger. Bringing together tattoos and fashion is probably one of the greatest inventions in the fashion industry.

Though inking the body comes with tons of downsides, especially since it is permanent, you should be careful and thoughtful before you do it. When doing it for fashion, do it right. Look for a design that would complement your style in the long run, and that matches numerous fashion styles. Some tattoo artists are talented and creative enough to design art that can stand the test of time as far as fashion is concerned.

Shaon is an experienced content writer from with several thousand product reviews and guides written in the past few years. Also, work as a senior editor and writer on fashion and lifestyle sites on the web with 25 million unique monthly visitors but also do extensive blogging on the side.

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