Last Minute Birthday Ideas

Last Minute Birthday Ideas for That Special Man in Your Life

It happens to the best of us. With everything going on around us, something always seems to get lost in the shuffle. With a heavy workload and an equally busy social life, sometimes the most special days are those we are likely to forget. So it is with your man’s birthday. You’d forgotten it was this month and now it’s just a few days away, and payday is not for another week. How can you swing a gift with little cash on hand and even less in your bank account? Luckily, there are things you can do to make that day as special as he deserves.

Candlelit Dinner at Home

While you’d like to treat him to a fancy dinner at your favourite restaurant, that isn’t within your budget right now. Maybe it has been a tradition, but you can plan a lovely romantic dinner at home which would rival even the finest restaurants in town. It’s not only about the food and wine but also the ambiance of the candlelit table for two. Play some soft music and don’t forget that what you wear will have a big impact on the mood, as well. Just remember to make as much as possible prior to dinner so that you can enjoy the dinner without ducking in and out of the kitchen.

Last-Minute Gifts on a Budget

If you don’t want to be held back by a tight budget, you could consider getting a short-term loan to give you a bit of cash on hand to buy at least a little something for him. This will keep him from knowing you forgot that this was his special day! It doesn’t need to be lavish and could be something as simple as tickets to an upcoming football game or perhaps a new gadget to play with. However, it needs to be a gift from the heart. If you have a bank account and a job, chances are you can qualify for a payday loan that would float you enough money to buy him a gift. Check online at sites like BingoLoans where you can apply and receive a response on the very same day.

A Quiet Stroll Under the Stars

If you are like most couples today, chances are you spend a good portion of your time together on your mobile phones. Research shows that the majority of people seen in restaurants spend more time on their phones than they do enjoying each other’s company. Make this night as special as he is by tossing the mobile phone off to the side. Focus your entire attention on him because he is special, and you want him to know just how much he means to you. If he brings his phone along, gently take it from him so that he will understand the lengths you’ve gone to in order to be there, really there, on this his special day.

Unless he’s unusually materialistic, he will appreciate your creative approach to his birthday than any expensive gift you could buy. Yes, a small token is important, and it may take that payday loan to get it for him, but he will be impressed that you put so much thought and effort into celebrating his birthday with him. This is one of those times that adds credence to that old cliché, ‘it’s the thought that counts’.


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