Long Distance Relationship

How To Show Feelings In A Long Distance Relationship

Faraway lovers

The internet, Business trips, scholarships abroad, war and migration usually make lovers part. Distance might separate them though in their hearts they remain together. This is also the case of thousands of people who have met and fallen in love online and bitterly face the physical gap. They can tackle the real distance through various means. Phone conversations, interactions via Skype, e-mails, communication on Facebook, everything helps unite and reinforce the bonds between two hearts.

Connection lies within yourself

How connected and how close we FEEL doesn’t depend on how far we ARE but on the level of intimacy and union we manage to create as a couple. Even deeply-rooted marriages may become cold and distant. You can sleep by the side of your lover but sadly feel you two are miles away. Although distance can cause trouble, it can be overcome easily if both lovers double their attempts to reach out and get together.

Ideas to undertake long distance love relationships:

  • Keep abreast the news – It is wise to be thoughtful and alert, keeping in mind special dates and showing interest in whatever our partner has to do. You could become so close when you feel part of the other person’s life and affairs. By caring about their responsibilities, duties, important events, you can make your lover aware of how much you’re sharing his / her experiences in spite of the distance.
  • Schedule gestures of love and affection – Organizing your routine and squeezing in some innovative, sweet-hearted form of affection could pay off. A song or poem a day may enlighten someone and cheer them up. Unexpected greetings, brief messages with intense words and images expressing your feelings will provide your partner with a good outlook of how present he / she is in your life.
  • Send tokens of appreciation – Many little treats can be bought online and delivered to his / her door. Flowers, chocolates, books, teddies, etc. Anything that breaks the boring standards of our routine and comes out of the blue will embellish your relationship and bond the two lovers in the joyful union.
  • Reward the love you’re given – Every time your lover comes up with a lovely gesture, it is ideal to pay back and multiply the positive feelings between you. Showing gratefulness and appreciation is enough but retribution is even better! Seize every chance as a new way of conquering him / her. Remember that love must be fed and nurtured daily.
  • Using digital devices online – Luckily we can use so many tools on the internet and show our love across distances in creative and original ways. We don’t have to rely exclusively on snail mail – which still remains a powerful form of communication – we can instead get in touch and become connected simultaneously.
    1. Chatting resembles speaking in a way that is so fast and spontaneous.
    2. Texting can bring loving thoughts and moving words right into his / her pocket
    3. Public messages can spread the love that you feel and tell everyone you feel head over heels for him / her
    4. Instagram can display the images you’ve edited to convey your emotions and illustrate them in beautiful ways.
    5. Through Twitter and Facebook, you can add short lines of loving words 24-7
    6. Lyric videos in YouTube can send powerfully romantic messages to the one you love
    7. E-cards, quotations and poems could be used to add special touches to your relationship.

Professing love wherever you are

Use all means available to touch his / her heart though you cannot touch their hand. Blow a digital kiss that can cross oceans and transmit your love to remote lands. Repeat daily, the connection is a matter of consistency over time and breaking all spatial barriers.

Remember Madonna singing:

You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, miles away
You’re not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we’re at our best, miles away


Martin, who is owner and writer of his Dating Website Russians Brides Agency (www.russians-brides.com). He believes that online dating is great for connecting people from the whole world using new technologies. He enjoys learning about the human relationship to improve and share his knowledge about online relationships.