Gifts for the Friend Who Has Everything-min

5 Gifts for the Friend Who Has Everything

Everybody has that one friend who seems to have everything. The question is, what on earth do you buy them when it is time to give a birthday or a Christmas gift? No worries if you’re stumped. Here is a list of the best gift ideas to consider for that friend who already has it all.

1. A Spa Day

When your friend has everything that there is to have from a material perspective, consider giving them something experience-related instead. If you know that your friend leads a fast-paced, stressful lifestyle, you can be sure that they would be thankful for some downtime. What better way in which to relax than to indulge in a spa day? It is also an excuse to treat yourself at the same time, all the while bonding with your pal.

2. A Voucher Book

Now is your chance to get creative! Craft a cute voucher book for your friend that includes a host of different benefits or experiences that they can ‘cash in’ on whenever they feel like it. Great ideas include a voucher for a night-in ordering Chinese (the bill is on you) or heading out on a leisurely bike ride in the mountains together. If you are feeling particularly generous, you could even include foot rubs and massages in the voucher book.

3. Something Sentimental

This should be relatively easy, especially if the two of you have been friends for a long time. Create a lovely friendship box filled with sentimental objects and memories. Think letters that you used to write to each other when you were still in school, cinema ticket stubs to movies that you saw together, etc. If you don’t have anything like this on hand, now is the time to start collecting! In a few years’ time, you will have a great gift to give.

4. A Subscription to a Vaping Membership Club

If your friend is a keen vaper, a subscription to a vaping membership club is certainly to be appreciated. A vape subscription will provide them with an interesting monthly box of vape juice and other vape essentials specifically tailored to their personal tastes and preferences. That means that they will have a special surprise waiting for them every month for a full year, following which, they can renew their subscription on their own.

5. Plane Tickets

This will obviously have to wait until the world overcomes the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the travel industry. However, considering the restriction on travel, you will probably be able to book plane tickets at a fraction of the usual cost. Splurge on a friendship trip for two to an exciting new destination and save big. Be sure to book your tickets for many months into the future just to be safe. You will both have something incredible to look forward to.

Bonus Gift Suggestion

If your friend is a big fan of fantasy films or television series, then find collectibles or merchandise from their favorite movies. Do they love stories set in the Middle Ages? Swords, rapiers, or hooded cloaks will be the best gifts to give. Do they love cosplay? Put some effort in searching for their favorite anime character’s costume or weapons, and you will surely win their loyalty forever.

Feeling inspired? Great! You are super close to finding or creating that perfect gift for your friend who already has everything. Good luck!


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