Tips To Wow Your Date

4 Tips To Wow Your Date

Dating can be nerve-wracking for even the most confident of people – so to stop you from sweating from the pressure, here are

4 Tips to make sure you Wow your Date

1. Hair

Hair is one of the first things someone will see on a date, so it’s important to get it right! Make sure it’s neat; no unruly ends, no messy tangles, combed or brushed. For women, you can style it if that’s your thing, and for men, combing and possibly using hair gel can make sure your hair is neat and tidy rather than all over the place. For both men and women though, don’t go overboard – although it’s important to look good and put some effort in, too much is a bit startling and is likely to give a bad impression, and can even make you come across a little scary or insane. Stick to simple and what feels natural for you.

2. Teeth

A survey carried out by found that teeth were the most important characteristic for 60% of men, and 71% of women – teeth are something many people tend to overlook when in reality, they really impact your first impression. Making sure you keep your teeth clean and white is necessary – if you’re not happy with them, investing in a teeth-whitening kit, or even some dentures from Pakenham Dental may be what you need to fix up your teeth and be able to greet your date with a pearly white smile.

3. Clothes

What you choose to wear says a lot about you, and there are certainly dos and don’ts when it comes to your outfit. Anything too casual is a no-go – even if you’re doing something relaxed like watching a film, dressing a little smarter than usual shows the other person that you’re serious and you are making an effort. Try to choose something that says something about you – if you’re bold, wear some bright colours, or subtle colours for those more relaxed. Pick out the things in your wardrobe that you really like, but make sure that you’re comfortable too. This particularly goes for girls – there’s no point squeezing into a tight dress and high heels if you’re going to be uncomfortable all evening. Dates are about having fun, and you won’t be able to do that if you’re in pain!

4. Compliments

There’s only so much you can do with looks – but the other thing that will create a great first impression is compliments. Immediately offering a compliment is a great idea for both girls and guys – but only if you really mean it. There’s no point if it’s not true, and can make you come across as insincere. It’s also important to accept compliments, too – if someone tells you you look nice, thank them! Rejecting their compliment, even if you do it politely, can come off as cold and closed-off; accepting their compliment instead will make you and them feel good!

At the end of the day, being yourself is important – they will find out who you really are eventually, and if they don’t like it, it’s better to find someone who appreciates your genuine qualities. So take a deep breath, and good luck!


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