Impress a Girl On First Date

10 Ways To Impress a Girl On First Date

We all know the importance of the first date. It tells us whether we are going to have more or not. To make sure that your first date goes exactly according to plan and that you impress her enough to get the chance to take her out again, you have to be at your best. Whether its dressing, behavior, conversation or anything else, you have to bring your A-game. You have to make sure that everything is just right. Just one wrong thing and you might find that when you say goodbye, it is for the last time. There are worse things than that; she could leave in the middle of the date.

If you want to save yourself from the embarrassment of it all and you want to impress the girl, there are some things that you need to take care of. These include major and obvious things like dressing, wearing a good men’s cologne so that you look not only good but also smell good. We know that it is a lot of pressure to take care of a million little things, but that’s how it goes, so you will have to toughen up.

To help you out, we are mentioning ten tips that you can use to your advantage and make sure that you impress her and interest her.

1. The conversation

You know that the first date is almost always awkward for both of you. Both are a little bit uncomfortable and need some time to relax and find the rhythm. A great way to make sure that it happens is to prepare a few topics or points to talk about so that the conversation goes as smoothly as possible. This doesn’t mean that you start acting like a journalist and asking all sorts of personal questions. It also doesn’t mean that you start giving her your complete and exhaustive resume. Keep it light and simple. Show your interest in topics that are of interest to her.

2. Physical Attraction

We are completely in favor of finding a person who has a lovely personality that matches yours and then building your relationship on that so that your relationship lasts forever, but most of the time you don’t get enough time on the first date to find out about her personality or show her yours. You need to have some physical attraction so that you can start something. If that is not present, you might find that the relationship just won’t start.

3. Phone Etiquette

A lot of us are addicted to our phones and check them every 5 minutes. This is an immediate deal-breaker, and if you keep doing that throughout your date, you are telling her that she is not important to you and you have better things to do rather than talk to her and pay attention to her. Make sure that your cellphone is silent so that it doesn’t disturb you or her. The constant buzzing of the mobile can also kill the mood.

4. Don’t be a Bore

You might be a rocket scientist, a doctor, a lawyer, an astronaut, or anything else for that matter. You could have the most exciting job on the planet. That doesn’t mean that you take up the entire date talking about your work and all the good that you do for the world. You are not here to give an interview, neither are you here to take her interview as your personal assistant. Keep the conversation light, engaging, and casual.

5. Personal Tales

Women love men who are confident about themselves and are willing to make themselves the end of a joke. Just make sure that any anecdotes that you share are shareable. There should be no vulgarity or indecency. Share something funny, cute, or romantic about you. The classier and funny the story is, the better your chances are of getting a second date.

6. No Negativity

It is best if you leave out politics altogether on the first date. But if you want to discuss it, or if you think that she is willing to discuss it, make sure that there is no negativity. You have the right to disagree with her point of view, but you have to do it in a positive and classy manner. Start a crusade, and you will see that the consequences are far worse for you than for her.

7. Don’t Get Drunk

Drinks are a great way to loosen up and find your rhythm. But you have to make sure that you don’t overdo it, which is very easy to do. This will ensure that you lose all inhibitions and say or do something that you will regret later on.

8. Be Yourself

The sooner you relax, the sooner you can start acting like your true self, and the better it will become for you. It is very easy to get busted when you are trying to be someone that you are not. The first date has a better chance of going right when you are your own charming, funny, intelligent self.

9. Don’t Say NO

One rule that you must adhere to is “No monosyllabic answers”, especially NO. That is a one-word date killer. Always ensure that you give an answer that is positive and engaging.

10. A crowd or silence?

One of the mood killers that people usually don’t consider is to shout over loud music or noise. That is not a great idea for a first date. Make sure that you take her somewhere that has privacy, good ambiance, and an environment that she can enjoy.


Impressing a girl on the first date can be difficult, but it is not impossible. Just make sure that you take care of the above steps and you will ensure that you get to have a second, third, fourth, and many more dates with the girl of your dreams.


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