Facial Beauty Tips

Facial Beauty Tips & Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Facial Beauty TipsToday, the polishing of our vehicles, regular meetings with our pets’ veterinarians and other things are dearer to us than the one thing that enables us to carry out the above, ‘tis is the Shangri La we’ve either totally forgotten to safeguard or leave it unprotected from harm: Our Body. Our organs function relentlessly to keep us aware and active of our environment but what are we doing to repay their service? Almost nada!

Well, better now than never! As you have realised the importance of your Shangri La and have come seeking aid, here are tips to reinforce and decorate your body!

  • Let H2O flow down your throat; drink eight glasses a day. Let water make your stomach feel heavy so that the want for excess food is quelled and obesity is fought against. We all look for the fountain of youth but water is what keeps us young, healthy and active. It washes away all intoxicants through urine, bowels and sweat and keeps you active all day; better than coffee and Redbull. Two to three litres a day and you’ll have a glowing, fresh skin.
  • Water is one, sleep is another. An ample sleep of 6-8 hours is sufficient. Lack of sleep and disturbed or reverse sleep patterns cause heart problems, depression, acidity, gradual slowing down of the nervous system among other problems. A good sleep is necessary for maintaining both good skin and our organs.
  • What happens when an engine is largely unused and ungreased? It becomes creaky, cogs make noises, it starts to rust and performance dips into a fatal pond of inactivity. The same is the case with our body. We either turn obese or are left average or underweighted with a ballooning belly. Then there is the mirror and we find ourselves buffoons so unfit that we laugh at ourselves. That is why Exercise. Keep your muscles in motion and let the sweat out; it again leads to healthy skin and an appealing physique. Say aloud “Expecto Patronum!” and force the dementors, who steal your will to exercise, to scurry away!
  • Your mind is a Genie. Make a wish and your imagination forms lucid visions. Hence, experience Nirvana: Meditate. It is simple: close your eyes, visualize scenery, take a deep drag of air and exhale like a dragon. Meditation, along with exercise, is the best way to shoo away depression. Meditation revitalizes your senses and makes your body gymnastic fantastic!
  • Eating fresh and healthy food (leafy greens) is the best way to be rid of all skin problems and also fuel our body. Diseases, peace, fitness, it all heavily depends on the food you eat. Be a purist foodie.


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