Flawless Face

4 Beauty Tips for a Flawless Face

How often do you see women on the street who have obviously rushed in putting on their makeup and have made what can only be called a complete mess of it? Okay, so sometimes, as individuals, we’re the ones who fall into this category, but we’ll leave that there.

So what are the problems that cause such beauty disasters?

At times, some women look like they haven’t got any mirrors in their house, it’s either caked-on carelessly or so non-descript that it may as well not be there at all. Other problems can range from dodgy colors of eyeshadow to foundations and concealers that look as if Stevie Wonder has matched them to their skin tone.

Should this ever really happen? Surely we all know enough about makeup to ensure that we can give ourselves a flawless face without too much trouble! We put together this guide to making up the flawless face, either for your own benefit or so you can pass on the knowledge to anyone who has suffered from questionable cosmetics in the past.

1. Correct Concealing

The powers of concealer are so well known that it is now one of the fastest growing products in the market of men’s cosmetics, let alone its continuing popularity among women. If even the men are doing it right, what’s the problem?

A lot of people have a habit of reaching straight for the concealer when it’s time to apply their makeup. If the rest of the regime has fallen by the wayside because you’ve enjoyed a lie-in, then reaching for the concealer seems like the safest way to ensure you get to work on time.

This, however, is a certain recipe for disaster. Concealer works best used after moisturizing and the application of foundation – throwing it on in a cavalier fashion won’t do you any favors at all, in fact, it will just betray the fact that you were running late.

Oh, and avoid putting any power on after using concealer, as this will show up the unflattering lines you’ve just been trying to cover up.

2. The Eyes Have It

If there is one thing all women should take pride in getting right 100% of the time, then it’s their eyes. Truth be told, we all know that if you can master your eye appearance, then you can almost get away with giving the rest of the face minimal attention.

As a minimum, make sure that you have a mascara and eye-shadow in your bag at all times, but ideally make the time to ensure these are 100% every morning before you leave the house. Avoid loud colours such as reds or blues, too, this season’s trends are greys and blacks aiming for a silhouette look dominating the top of the eye.

To deal with bags under the eyes, make sure you use a specialist eye cream to protect the already delicate skin around this area. You can a look at this guide a team of researchers put together, which recommends the best eye cream formulas for puffy eyes and dark circles. Use these products before applying foundation and concealer so that you are taking care of your eyes in the longer term.

If eye bags are a constant problem, we suggest laying off the wine and getting more sleep as the perfect remedy.

3. Summer Loving

Even as we head into the deep and dark of winter, we all love to keep memories of the summer as fresh as possible, so by the time next June rolls around we feel like it has never been away. To keep in the summer mood for the winter, look to select a foundation that contains a touch of bronzer which will add a little color to your face without making you too orange.

Many make the mistake of turning to a totally different shade of foundation or concealer in order to achieve what they think is a healthy, vibrant glow. Unfortunately, orange is orange, and what’s worse is that it is obvious when it has been pasted on. A tinted foundation or moisturizer will give a great balance to your look and a healthy, natural glow to your skin.

4. Not So Summer Loving

As much as you may love the summer, it is one of the most stressful times of the year for your skin, and specifically for your face. Start preparing for next summer now by protecting your facial skin through the winter on those deceptively cold, but very sunny days.

Use a calming lotion on your face – camomile is excellent for this – in order to rehydrate during sunnier periods. Always, and we mean always, wear sunscreen when you leave the house – even on the dullest of days when you may think that there are no UV rays penetrating through the clouds, as this is often the most dangerous time for your facial skin.

Finally, ensure that your beauty regime is strict and followed to the letter on a daily basis. That means cleansing, moisturizing, and toning morning and night, as well as building in an exfoliation and a mask treatment once or twice per week, depending on your skin type.


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