Handmade Jewelry min

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Handmade Jewelry

Different from their mass-produced replications, handmade jewelry has its own unique value that you can’t help but want one for yourself.

Handmade jewelry designers put so much love and effort into their creations that feel every piece has a story behind it.

But there are still some people who don’t get what exactly is the reason behind the attraction we feel for these unique pieces. And that is why below we have written down some facts about handmade jewelry that will help you understand the desirability behind these creations.

1. Time Defines Value

Handmade Necklace JewelryJewelry created by a single designer, whether it’s a handmade necklace or a ring, requires a lot of work and devotion. Which means that these aren’t items that can be made in a matter of hours.

In fact, a single piece of handmade jewelry can take up to several days or weeks- depending on the size and design of the jewelry. With that said, there’s no doubt the designer gives their undivided attention to every piece that is created.

The creator puts in a lot of thought when they are designing. They place meanings behind every shape and curve and edge that they develop on each piece of jewelry. Every touch leads to hours of perfecting just a single piece which shows just how much love and dedication they place into their hand-crafted creations.

2. No Machinery Involved

creating handcrafted jewelry-minThere’s confusion when describing handmade jewelry. The hands of the artist are the mastermind behind the cultivation of handmade jewelry through both means of both mental and physical hard work.

Since everything is handmade, it means that the use of machinery is not involved during these processes. When it comes to creating handcrafted jewelry, designers carve and add finishing touches to these finite pieces one by one.

There is a considerable difference in machine-made jewelry and handmade jewelry. A machine can create several thousands of identical pieces in one go. But their quality or the time is given to their design won’t be as detailed or carefully crafted as well as the handmade ones.

3. Hand-Picked Materials

Hand-Picked Materials-minThe best part about handmade creations is that everything that goes into its making is thoughtfully and creatively planned out.

That also includes the core of the jewelry, which are the materials used to craft them. For every piece chosen, it gives meaning to even the smallest details of color and quality of that single jewelry item. To put it simply, they take pride in the materials they use. These artisans want their pieces to unique and not just another item you can get at any jewelry store.

Plus, designers come up with their jewelry design while keeping the client’s taste in mind. So, the materials handpicked by the designer have a lot to do with what they believe will look best on the people for whom these pieces are being made for.

A lot of these handmade jewelry pieces are custom designed for specific clients. Something that can’t be replicated or manufactured by machines or anyone else.

4. Connection to its Creator

For any handmade creator, a part of them is embedded into the core of their creations.

And for the jewelry, each of their pieces has a different story to tell. What was the intention behind the piece, what was the designer thinking when he added a specific detail and why are certain materials chosen? These thoughts are what linger within the curves and edges created by the designer’s own hands.

Their creations can display untold stories or hidden messages that they might have wanted to convey to their buyers. Or the very detailed work can show how dedicated the designer was in making jewelry, which is why the designers’ feelings will always be a part of their creations.

5. The Quality

Just like how the materials for the jewelry are thoughtfully hand-picked, they also keep the item’s quality in mind. And this procedure isn’t limited to just one piece of handmade jewelry either.

Items produced on a smaller scale are more focused on quality as compared to large scale production companies. The reason being is that the whole process is being tracked and managed with great care and attention while being made.

Artisans and designers are always attempting to perfect their craft so that their reputation never wanes.

6. One of a Kind

Mass-produced jewelry items are the same in every store, but when it comes to hand-crafted pieces, it can be difficult to identify the similarities in every piece that is created.

Handmade jewelry is uniquely made by the designer even if they have the same initial design, to begin with. Some jewelry pieces have different colored gems, some with different chains or it could be anything.

If you look closely, you will notice that every piece of handmade jewelry has a different and unique quality of its own. All of their pieces are limited editions which means that, if these designers retire, you will always have an exclusive piece of their jewelry to yourself.

7. Supporting the Artists

When you are buying jewelry from a more prominent or well know, company, it can be hard to tell where the money you paid them is going or what is it being used for.

However, it’s different when it comes to hand made jewelry designers. They are someone you can meet and have a connection with. You know their story and the jewelry they make has much more attachment to you than the ones made by machines.

They use the money you give them to have a better life for themselves because you appreciate their art enough to help support them. It can feel really good when you feel like your money is being used to help someone out.

8. Demand for Local Creations

Ever since people have started realizing the value of handmade items, the popularity of its demand is continuing to grow to this day.

It helps to reduce the carbon traces and to sustain your local environment at the same time. Value and support are given to local artists which is the best thing for the economy right now.

These local economies get the push they need to continue designing creative artistic pieces that you buy in order to support their artwork. The encouragement they get, and the value is given to their creations is what helps these local communities to thrive more than they ever have.


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