Glowing Skin Tips

5 Natural Ways to Get Glowing Skin

With our world becoming more populated and pollution becoming an ever increasing issue, a return to using natural product was probably inevitable. We can thank technology for having all sorts of information regarding natural care for just about everything right at our fingertips. Even if you live out of the way of a city, it’s entirely possible to research a natural recipe, hunt down locations from which to buy them, and place your order; all in a matter of minutes! One thing that preys a lot on our mind is our physical appearance, and especially with regards to our skin. We all want to have that picture perfect glow, and there are a variety of ways to achieve it without having to resort to harsh or abrasive chemicals. You can get your glow on with natural products, and we’ve listed the best of them below. Try out a few before you determine your favorite and then see what a difference the condition of your skin can make to the way you both look and feel!

5 Tips for Glowing Skin Naturally

1. Oats

Oats can already be found in most households, and they’re cheaply purchased at your local bulk food store. You can keep them fresh in a glass jar in your cupboard for use both in the kitchen and for your skin care recipe. Try using oats as an exfoliate to give your skin a smoothness and shine that you’ll love. Mix a ½ C of oats into some warm water and let sit for a few minutes until the water forms a thick paste. Massage this paste into your skin using a gentle, circular motion, getting a little rougher around the nose and other areas where blackheads persist. Rinse with cool water, which will both remove the paste and help close your pores. If you love the smell of cinnamon, you can add a sprinkle to the paste and enjoy a delicious smelling scrub!

2. Sugar

Another great skin scrub that will leave you smelling nice and with fresh, glowing skin is with the use of another common item right in your kitchen cupboard; sugar. You can use either brown or white sugar, although brown sugar can leave a slight colored smudge in your sink after you rinse (this is easily cleaned off if brown sugar is your preference). Take a ¼ C of sugar and blend with your choice of carrier oil (see how versatile this one is?); I recommend coconut oil but you could happily get away with almond oil, olive oil or jojoba oil. Blend well into a dryer paste and add your favorite essential oil. Lavender is always a nice one but if you like something energizing for mornings before you head to work try a citrus-infused scent like lemon or orange. Store this in a glass jar and use it for your face or for your entire body during a shower!

3. Honey and Lemon Juice

More than likely you’ve got honey and lemon juice in your kitchen somewhere, right? The best honey is always local, and with more people worried about the plight of our disappearing bee colonies, novice and experienced beekeepers alike are cropping up everywhere. There’s likely more than one nearby, even if you live smack dab in the middle of a thriving city. Take 1 tablespoon each of honey and lemon juice, and blend until the honey has completely dissolved.   Before applying, lightly moisten your face with warm water. Once you’ve applied the mixture, leave it to dry anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse your face with cool water.

4. Turmeric Powder

If you don’t have turmeric powder at home, grab some at the grocery store. You’ll likely find it in the ethnic cooking aisle, or the baking aisle. It’s a yellow powder that works wonders not only on traditional Indian food but also as an acne treatment. Turmeric contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties which help fight the breakouts you’ve got and help prevent future breakouts. Use a ¼ teaspoon of the powder and mix with a few teaspoons of lemon juice or even plain water. Apply to your face as a mask and let it dry fully before rinsing. Be cautious with this one; too much turmeric will turn your skin a rather unlovely shade of yellow!

5. Honey and Yogurt

If you want to take a stab at a natural remedy for moisturizing and evening out skin tone, grab that jar of local honey again. Mix 1 tablespoon with 2 tablespoons of yogurt and blend well. Apply it to your face into an even paste and leave to dry for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water. This one is gentle enough to use on a daily basis if you like. Yogurt is a wonderful way to naturally moisturize without leaving your face feeling oily or greasy.

These recipes are wonderful, but when used in combination with a great diet and exercise program, your skin can really come into its own. Your diet has a huge impact on every part of your body, from your organs and their function to the appearance of the largest organ on your body; your skin. A diet high in processed foods will have an adverse effect, leaving you with skin that appears sallow, dry or blemish prone, while a good diet high in veggies and fruit will give your skin a boost and leave it better able to retain moisture, be more resistant to signs of ageing and give it better elasticity.

Hydration is another important element in having great looking skin, so skip the soft drinks and head straight for your tap! If plain water bores you, add a few drops of lime or lemon juice to spruce it up. Make sure you drink extra water before and after workouts and drink water with all of your meals.

Increased circulation helps skin to look its best as well so get it looking its best with a regular workout routine and shower as soon as you can afterward to avoid creating blocked pores and blemishes.


Nina Wells is a guest author from Steam Shower Store. She is a respected and expert voice in a plethora of health related subjects with over 10 years of writing under her belt.