Diamond Eternity Rings

The Rising Trend of Diamond Eternity Rings

Eternity Rings as with Jewellery in general is not a new innovation. Jewellery has always held huge significance and symbolism, whether that as a sign of wealth and power or true love. The two are obviously completely different and their meanings should never become confused, and with the hugely symbolic tradition of eternity rings this has never allowed to happen.

Although style and design is important, sometimes the symbolic meaning of true love prevails over the latest fashion. The significance of someone presenting the one they love with an eternity ring to represent their endless love for that person is something that could have become quickly forgotten in today’s world of ‘throw away fashion’.

Diamond Eternity Rings

 The history of eternity rings is something that cannot be quickly forgotten. Their meaning of eternal love can be traced back over 4000 years to the times of ancient Egypt, where they originated as a ring totally different in style to ones found today. Original eternity rings presented in ancient Egypt would not have featured diamonds or alternative gemstones but instead would have depicted a snake swallowing its own tail to represent endless love and the promise of eternity.

Although the meaning of eternity rings and what they represent has remained consistent throughout their history their style and appearance has become modernised and changed in line with 21st century jewellery trends. Diamonds are now the most commonly seen gemstone used within eternity rings and their beauty not only on their own but also when used alongside other gemstones has seen them grow in popularity.  The history of when diamonds became popular is obviously disputed, with the 15th century most often agreed as the time diamonds were first worn by Kings as a symbol of immense wealth, strength and courage. This exclusivity obviously aided attraction in the early days and modern day marketing also had a hand in excelling the wants and needs of consumers eager to get their hands on the latest diamond eternity rings.

This type of marketing is also responsible for the popularity of eternity rings in the last 50 to 60 years. Whereas advertisements for engagement rings are generally aimed at younger, single woman, one particular marketing campaign in the 1960s played on the fact that eternity rings are for an occasion other than an engagement or wedding and can be brought as a gift for your loved one after you have been with them for many years such as for a birthday, at Christmas or to mark a special anniversary. To capitalise on this the campaign aimed at husbands ran with the slogan “She married you for richer or poorer. Let her know how it’s going.” And was aimed at older, married women and confirmed the fact that diamonds truly are a girl’s best friend as the popularity of diamond eternity rings have grown in popularity ever since.

With the amount of choice available to consumers today there really is diamond ring to satisfy the taste of just about anyone. Whether your loved one prefers rings containing large stones that are hard to avoid or a more subtle ring that holds just as much beauty, you will find it.


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