Own Fashion and Style

Create Your Own Fashion and Style As Per Your Personality!

Own Fashion and StyleFrom the beginning of human civilization, the moment we learned the art of wearing clothes to cover our body, we have always looked for ways and means to make the clothes more comfortable. Slowly fashion and style has creeped in and fashion designers became a household name. Whether one could afford designer made clothes or not, they were fully aware of what this is all about, thanks to the television, print and the different advertising medias. As a result people become more and more aware of the different trends and now they have a wide range of options to pick and choose from. London and Paris are considered to be the birthplace of high – end fashion. Most of the world renowned fashion magazines are headquartered at Paris and London only. As a result departmental stores send their personnel to these countries so that they can learn about the latest trends in fashion and style. Wearing the right kind of clothes makes all the difference. Some of the factors that you need to consider in order to create the right fashion statement include:

Personality craving….

There are two different kinds of shopper. One who is happy in wearing clothes that are comfortable and the other set who swear by their designer labels and tags. For them, designer made clothes are the ultimate ones and for this they can put the comfortability factor in the back burner as well. But no matter what types of a shopper you are, you cannot ignore the fact that fashion and personality goes hand in hand. Hence, it is extremely essential to opt for clothes that will enhance your personality. If you don’t like too much bling on your clothes and accessories then avoid glittered clothes and stiletto heels as you will feel uncomfortable in it. You need to find the right balance between your personality and the latest fashion trends. Although there are a wide variety of styles in the market yet it is important that you find one that beautifully highlights your personality. Your clothes should be an extension of who you are and not the opposite.

Experiment as per your body type…..

It is extremely essential to find the right kind of clothing for your body. So make sure that your clothing is neither too tight nor too short. Otherwise you will be uncomfortable when you are sitting or bending down to pick up something. This is more valid if you have a broad frame. So when you are buying the clothes make sure that you take your body structure into consideration. For example v-neck t-shirts look good when you have broad shoulders. Horizontal stripes look good when you are tall, if you have a short height; wearing horizontal stripes will make you look smaller.

The same is applicable in case of shoes as well. If your shoe has straps then it will make you look smaller, so avoid shoes with straps if you have a petite figure. In case you are tall you are more open to experimentation as the chances of carrying off the clothes as well as the shoes are higher. This is valid in case of jewelry items as well. A short necklace makes you neck look shorter, even a long earring has the same effect.


Highlight the right curves…..

Always make it a point to wear those clothes that highlights the best body parts. Not everyone has the perfect figure. So you need to play around your body structure so that you garner the attention towards the best so that the other defects can be hidden. Say for example you have a broad waist. It is best if you don’t wear a belt as this will garner more attention towards your waist. If you wish to emphasize that you have a slim figure then wear proper fitted clothes. Tops and trousers that are in similar shade makes the wearer look thin but you can always experiments with different shades in order to break the monotony. Another thing that you need to consider is that the accessories you are wearing match your clothes. Accessorize as per your clothing. If your top has sequins and is high on the bling factor, then minimize your make up for that fresh and elegant look. Otherwise you will look over the top.

Keep the above guidelines in mind when you are planning to buy clothes. Make sure that the clothes are an extension of your personality. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and shop as per your heart’s content. Happy Shopping!


Karen T. White, the writer of this post always added an extra spice in her topics with her great knowledge about the fashion world and with great presentation. She has attracted most of her reader with her keen topics related to fashion world, latest trendy fashion with www.tresorparis.co.uk, and ethnic collection of dresses or jewelries.