When Buying Flowers

5 Considerations You Need To Remember When Buying Flowers

When Buying FlowersGiving flowers has been considered a romantic act ever since the advent of time. Men have been presenting their lovers with flowers to express love and affection, but that is not all what flowers are for. Flowers are also given to sick relatives to show support and care, to friends as a congratulating gesture in the form of bouquets etc. But it is appalling to give something as romantic as roses to a distant friend, because roses are meant for your lover only. So, how to make the choice? Which flowers to buy and when? Read on.

1. Choosing The Event

You may give out a flower to your loved one everyday if you wish to do so. However, there are certain events like mother’s day or Valentine’s Day which make giving flowers a must under any circumstance. To make certain that you do not forget about events that guarantee purchase of flowers, mark such events on your personal calendar, especially anniversaries, a first job etc. The important point to remember here, however, are that you must buy flowers beforehand, because at the exact moment you might not be able to find the right kind of flowers you require.

2. Choosing The Right Kind Of Flower

There are many kinds of flowers that you may choose from. However, each flower type has a purpose to fulfill, and you must ensure that you give the right kind of flower at the right occasion.

  • For Romance: As far as pleasing the one you love is concerned, rose is the ultimate choice. No matter what point you are at in your relationship, a red rose feels new and absolutely romantic every time you give it to your lover. You can also mix red roses with white tulips to give a fresh-looking bouquet to jazz things up every now and then.
  • For general purposes: Flowers have their own language, which can be used to say things where words fail you. This language is hidden in the colors and types these flowers have, and each color has a different message to convey.

a) Purple: This symbolizes your admiration for someone;
b) Pink: This symbolizes gratitude and is perfect to be given to your mother or aunt.
c) Mixed: Mixed color bouquets are for those times when you don’t know what to say, and you want to give out a message of well-wishes to a loved one.

  • For grounded women: If you have to give flowers to your wife at home, potted flowers are the way to go, because she can keep them for months. The flowers, with their lengthened amount of life span, will act as a continuous reminder to her of your love and affection.

3. Choosing The Right Florist

The right florist for you will be one who has the broadest range of flowers available. Also, the florist you choose should have multiple packaging options available at your disposal.

Another option for you, if you don’t have the time to visit a florist, would be purchasing flowers online. This will save you time, but will limit your options greatly.

Finally, if you are not willing to spend a lot of money on flowers, you can visit your local superstore, which might have a collection of flowers for you to buy. However, these flowers might not be of a very good quality, so beware.

4. Personalize Your Flowers

Everyone gives flowers to their loved ones on Valentine’s Day, so your lover expects you to do the same. If you give your lover a red rose on Valentine’s Day, she will not be surprised by your gesture. However, giving out flowers on unexpected occasions is the way to go, and every now and then sending out flowers unexpectedly is a great gesture. Just make sure you personalize such gifts by choosing the kind of flowers, which reflect the personality of the person you are giving the flowers to. It will make a huge impact.

5. When Sending Flowers Is Not Such A Good Idea

If you don’t know anyone, sending flowers to him/her as a secret admirer will do you no good. Avoid buying flowers for such purposes, as a strong message such as sending flowers will make you seem sort of desperate.


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