Wedding Planning Nervousness: 7 Helpful Guidelines to Manage It

Wedding Planning Ideas

Planning of weddings brings along immense stress and nervousness, irrespective of the fact whether you are planning a tiny gathering in a marriage registry office or hosting a grand function. The planning of events and the overall logistics associated with modern time weddings have become all the more complicated, however going in for small-scale arrangements by utilizing cheaper and handmade stuff is in no way less stressful.

One needs to sit back, relax and ponder over the situation for a while, instead of going helter-skelter with nervousness. Then healthy measures can be executed for coping with the causes of nervousness. Pre-planning and strategizing can take you a long way.

Nervousness triggers associated with weddings are cliché from olden times: money, family arguments, and relationship worries, being part of a major public gathering, cultural norms, life-altering decisions and overall worries about the future. These triggers can eventually make the whole experience a nightmare giving you panic attacks. A wedding is a major turning point that binds two souls in eternal commitment, and it is absolutely normal to fret over the fact that all should go well and everyone should return home happy and satisfied. It is indeed an event of a lifetime, and a once in a lifetime event for most of us.

Nevertheless, taking it up seriously is the need of the hour, and there are several ways in which the mega event can be carried out efficiently – seeking organizational assistance, adequate delegation and being emotionally honest with peers can work wonders. It becomes essential to pay attention to the feelings trying to control your behaviour.

Let’s now talk about 7 effective guidelines that can help make this event a memorable one:

1. Summarize Your Finances and Be Pretty Honest

Financial worries and running out of budgets is a major cause of concern while planning a wedding. They can be costly, although your budgeting is immaculate or you are planning a very low profile event. Jotting down the expenses against your available resources is very helpful, so that you can cut down where possible and come to terms with the fact that you cannot afford a particular aspect no matter how eagerly you crave for it. Religiously sticking to your financial plan can save you from a lot of trouble and unnecessary hassles. If your budget permits some delightful surprise elements like custom labels for the wedding party can be added.

2. Befriend Organizational Apps

It is useless to dig into hoards of magazines and several binders for out of the world ideas to make your event a happening one. If you are getting into a logistically complicated ceremony, appoint actual event organizers and be sure to document all the statistics appropriately. Apps based on planning of weddings, like The Knot Wedding Planner App for (Android | iOS), have been designed to make your event a smooth sailing one. A more general organizational app like AwesomeNote App for (Android | iOS) or Trello App for (Android | iOS), that appeals to your style can prove helpful. The whole idea is to streamline note-making, listing, channelizing the ideas extracted from cut-outs and various web pages and aligning all the bits and pieces into one place to make it easily accessible and shareable with compatriots.

Please do stick to the system you have chosen initially so as to avoid mismanagement and save yourself from agony.

3. Decide – Delegate and Accept that it has been Outsourced

Work allocation and responsibility sharing facilitates proper time management. Then be conscious enough to let go of what has been delegated elsewhere. When you feel like you are the whole and soul of the planning project, it is difficult to allocate tasks between you and your partner, and moreover the other active members involved in the event. Constant nagging and follow-up will create trouble and closing the chapter on delegated tasks would be the best possible option. Put on the aura of a balanced and sensible manager in the true sense of the word.

4. Find Time and Space for Some Solace

Constantly thinking about event management like a six-sigma project can be very mind boggling. You need to draw the line, deviate from your rushing thoughts and find some time and a proper calm space to drift off into oblivion, or better still meditate for a few minutes to keep your mind off the high-level planning. This will boost productivity the next time you jump onto the wedding bandwagon.

5. Emotional Boundaries to be Strictly Reinforced

Emotional entanglements and ego issues can hamper all your enthusiasm and intrinsic planning. Events that include important family members can be very exhaustive, and weddings are a source of certain typical demands, expectations and sour conflicts over traditional norms. Setting proper emotional boundaries becomes absolutely necessary in this aspect. In your dealings, if these boundaries happen to be crossed over, you need to keep your head on your shoulders, avoid interaction and calmly walk away.

Such gatherings induce many unruly characters to behave in an offending manner, and it becomes very essential to set the boundaries in tandem with your life partner, who should be in a position to reinforce the set boundaries as and when needed.

6. Team-up with your Life Partner

Customarily a lot of the burden associated with planning a wedding falls on the bride’s family. However, proper approach and well-structured communication can help share responsibility between both the families, eventually making it a pleasant experience for all family and friends.

Both partners need to mutually reach a consensus regarding work allocation, and pre-planning, lots of discussions and proper strategizing will save a lot of headaches. Remember a team can give a far better output than a one-man army can give.

7. Don’t Shy Away from Getting Help When Needed

There is no harm in seeking psychological support from well-meaning family members and friends so as to overcome the unwarranted nervousness associated with worries of the future. Several soon-to-be-married couples undergo couple’s therapy to address the change in their relationship status, and it is an essential aspect for exploring the realms of your new venture.

Finding a therapist for dealing solely with your nervousness issues can also prove to be helpful. Free support groups can also assist in case of a tight budget. Your General Practitioner can give you the details of such groups.

Following these simple guidelines can make your big day hassle free and one to remember as you tie the nuptial knot with your loved one.

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