Help Your Photographer Get the Most Flattering Wedding Photography

Flattering Wedding Photography

There seems to be a stereotypical wedding photography pose that consists of everyone lined up in groups while they say cheese and get their picture taken. Taking wedding photography is no easy task because of the different aspects a photographer has to consider. Not only do they have to do the obvious and take photos but they must also be creative and deal with the social aspect of being at a wedding, on top of that they have to deal with the pressure of being responsible of capturing the best day of two people’s lives. A wedding photographer has to be a true professional and be experienced at what they do, they have a short space of time to deliver where the outcome is crucial. Those stereotypical photographs of people lined up won’t cut it anymore, to help your wedding photographer get the best photography at your wedding here are some tips to consider.

Formal Wedding Photography Tips

Wedding photography consists of two elements which are the formal and informal. We will first explain about the formal photography first.

You should plan

Formal photography consists of the photos in the church, bride and bridesmaids together etc. To get the best formal photography you need to plan. You should spent time before the wedding with the photographer discussing how you want these to look.  The better understanding the photographer has the better the photography is going to be. Ultimately the photography wants you to be 100% happy with your photos so don’t be scared to say what you want.

You should use the Area & Props

To improve your photos you should research the area and look for the places that you would like photos to be taken, this saves confusion on the day and as the photographer will know where to get everyone. There may be nice garden areas, stage areas or props such as chairs or sofas which will make your photos more unique. There is no limits to this and if nothing is available you could always hire something for the day, this way you can be as opulent as you wish. Adding something as simple as a chair or sofa breaks up your traditional lined photos as people will be sitting and standing, this also lightens the mood and makes everyone more relaxed.

Keep People Relaxed

The more relaxed that people are the better as this will reflect in the photography and gives the wedding photographer more to work with as there will be direction. There can be a lot of waiting around at weddings and this is where people may feel awkward, you should consider having some entertainment or refreshments. This won’t necessarily affect the photography but it lightens the mood and keeps everyone relaxed. The more relaxed people are the more natural and glamorous the photos will come across.

Informal Wedding Photography Tips

Be Spontaneous

The informal side of wedding photography is probably the easier job for the photographer to capture as the tension has gone from the ceremony and people should generally be more relaxed. For better informal photos this is where doing your research of the area pays a big factor. If you, your photographer or maybe both have scoped out the area you can capture photos with the best surroundings possible. A wedding photography firm I used said that informal photographs come across better when they are spontaneous so brief your wedding photographer to look for these opportunities. The aim is to capture more relaxed and natural photos, they can be candid or partly setup but mainly people being distracted by the joy of the occasion.

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