A Wedding During a Pandemic? Here Are 3 Crucial Things You *Really* Need to Know

A Wedding During a Pandemic
Beautiful bride in a wedding dress with a medical protective mask in her hands, on a pink background. Quarantine, wedding, coronavirus

You’ve been planning your wedding for more than a year now and it was what you have been dreaming of since you were a kid. Your family and friends have been looking forward to finally seeing you walk down the aisle arm in arm with your soon-to-be spouse. The preparations were going smoothly and everything was planned to the dot.

Except you missed to plan for one thing:

a pandemic.

Preparing for the wedding is already a tough commitment in itself. But planning it amidst a health crisis is a whole different story. Here are just some of the things you need to know before making important decisions for your wedding.

3 Crucial Things You *Really* Need to Know

1. Frequent Consultations

The future is unforeseeable, especially right now, which makes it an important defining factor in countless decisions that are to be made during the pandemic; including yours. Planning anything definite in these unprecedented times is a huge risk that we would advise you not to do especially for costly events such as a wedding. Instead, what this entails is constant and regular updating with your suppliers, family and friends that are involved in your wedding in any way.

It’s necessary to first revisit your contracts with your vendors before even considering any other options for your wedding. Learn which of your suppliers can adopt new schedules and make the appropriate adjustments needed to move forward with your wedding. Read through your terms and mutual obligations with your suppliers in order to make sure there are no ambiguities with how you can approach this wedding during a pandemic.

Work with them and learn about your best options with minimal risks moving forward. Other concerns that you should tackle is to secure the availability of your venue, learn which of the suppliers are still open and running by the time of your proposed date, and just essentially pick your way through the grunt of the work.

Most of all, do not forget to make your decisions known to your family, friends and guests that you have invited to your celebration.

2. Cashing Out More

Prolonging a wedding with very little certainty of when it can finally happen will cause you to cash out more money than you have probably intended. Constantly working with your suppliers without guarantee of their services ever happening and at the expense of exposure to the virus is extremely risky.

There have also been reported cases of couples who had to pay for cancellation or postponement fees, and even the full fees without ever having their wedding celebration come into fruition. At the same time, these fees will increase and possibly skyrocket depending on the severity of the situation in your area.

All in all, dragging a huge event further down the timeline will exhaust your resources–time, money, and effort–and can be more prone to risks of said resources going down the drain.

3. Consider Alternatives

Regardless of whether you can or not, spending more and more money than what your budget entails for the wedding because of continual postponing is impractical and wasteful. That is why you might also want to consider your alternatives outside your proposed ones with your vendors.

In fact, across the globe, couples have been getting more and more creative in order to push through with their own wedding ceremonies. Some couples conducted their weddings at their own backyards, some have opted to have minimal guests and downgraded from a massive list instead, some have opted to just elope, while others even made the wedding celebration happen remotely via social media and video conferencing.

This can be an opportunity for you to explore so many other options if you have the mind for it. For example, you can single out the tasks in your wedding preparation that you think you can easily do on your own or by your partner or even a family member or friend. You can try capturing your own wedding photos if you have the eye and the equipment for it and maybe get it printed with a beautifully handcrafted photo book. You can also try to start creating your own invitations, arranging your wedding souvenirs if you have it, and other menial tasks to pass the time.

Having an open mind and considering alternatives other than a traditional, lavish wedding can be the answer to this adversity you are facing. Of course, your wedding is still yours to decide and you and your partner should still follow through with what you desire and dream of together. This is as long as your safety as well as your family and friends’ are not compromised, then nothing is stopping you from fubally saying your vows. It is your wedding after all, and no one–not even a pandemic–should be able to take away that chance of making it memorable and happy for you.

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