Last Minute Wedding Preparations

Last Minute Wedding Preparations

Planning a wedding can certainly get on your nerves at times. Everyone is stressed, families disagree with things and before you know it there is a quarrel on your hands. It is these reasons that form the importance of planning the wedding as far in advance as possible and to have considered in advance such as the venue, the amount of guests, the dress and much more. It can save both time and money, so it is worth trying to achieve.

The Basics

Every wedding invite with an RSVP card must be provided well in advance so that the organizers have a fair idea about how many people will be attending. There are times when people do not receive the invitations due to them being lost or what have you which can be a nuisance. At this point in time, it makes perfect sense to sort out the seating arrangements (with a backup plan just in case) to accommodate those who did not reply. After all the stuff is sorted out and both families are in sync with the venue details the couple can go ahead and get the rest of the show on the road.


Having a check list makes perfect sense for the person who is doing the organizing, in the event that there is no wedding planner of course. Before the wedding people give the couple gifts, so a thank you note must be sent alongside them to keep tabs on who gave what. The honeymoon details must also be a part of the list along with passports, tickets, reservations and so forth. In addition to this, based on the climate of the location, having suitable clothing is another factor to consider.

Forgetting Something?

There is this little known fact, which is that most of us forget basic items like wine glasses, ring pillows, a cake knife, favors, flower girl’s baskets etc. Some even forget the wedding rings! Make sure that all the accessories are in place. If you are going away after the wedding, an outfit that is neatly pressed should be ready to slip into and set sail on the honeymoon. Make sure that all the travel arrangements for the wedding are taken care of so that not only the bride and groom get to drive in style but the families and bridesmaids and best man too.

Last Minute

Before travelling to the venue, cross check the list and ensure that all the factors are taken care of. Have a person assigned to take care of the luggage in the getaway vehicle. If there are any wedding gifts at the reception, there must be people assigned to sorting it all. The couple cannot be expected to keep an eye on this stuff as it is their day after all. And most of all, you must ensure that the church is booked well in advance along with the caterers, wedding bandand everything that goes to making the day perfect. A dress rehearsal is also a wise idea!

For more information on wedding preparations and other such topics look around online to see what you can find.

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