7 Creative Ways to Invite Guests at Your Wedding

Invite Guests at Your Wedding

Your wedding is just around the corner and your invitations are still pending. This is what most of the couples go through when the ‘wedding day’ starts to approach. This is where pressures of all kinds start to make their presence felt to the couple.

You want your day to be as special as possible. From your wedding dress, décor to wedding invites – everything needs to be exclusive. Deciding on the invites could be challenging especially when you don’t have anything in mind. You want to make your wedding invitation like no other – completely peculiar.

You would love to send invites that represent your relationship in some way or the other, along with the most important details regarding the event. Here are

7 Creative Ways to Invite Guests to Your Wedding

1. Polaroid Invitations

Before you get married, everyone wants to see what sort of a couple you make. People love seeing visuals and pictures of the couple who are getting married soon. You can attach a polaroid picture along with all details – venue, day, date, time of your wedding.

Your guests won’t just be overwhelmed to see such an invite, but you’ll also receive many good wishes before your big day. Also, this might be something which hasn’t be done in your family before – polaroid invitations. Hence, you’ll be the first one, setting unique traditions and breaking the typical wedding invitations. To stick to the polaroid theme, you can even use a wedding hashtag generator to create the perfect hashtag to add at the bottom of the invite!

2. Add Some Humor

It’s not the time where the typical wedding invitations with dotted invitation details impress guests. You need to come up with something unique and different.

Rather than choosing a complex design for your wedding invitation, you can just add some humor to it. It won’t only make your invite look appealing but would also bring a smile when your guests would open up the invitation.

3. Seed Cards

Everyone is trying to be as eco-friendly as possible due to the deteriorating condition of the earth. It is important that people focus on planting seeds and growing plants.

So, why not help people do this? You can imbed some seeds inside your wedding card. This means your wedding would be an eco-friendly one – as people would be able to plant seeds just by cutting your wedding invite. You won’t just sound different, but you would also feel some sense of achievement. Because you really have contributed a lot towards the environment.

Remember, inserting seeds inside your card won’t have any effect on texture or your invite won’t look ugly. It would look the same as you’ve designed but with just some small dots.

4. Create an Event

People are drooling over social media platforms – such as Facebook, Instagram. Since this is an optimal way to stay in touch with your friends. Whether they be college friends, school friends or office colleagues. You have them all added on Facebook or Instagram.

So, why not ‘create an event’ – by the name of your wedding. You can use a hashtag generator to create a wonderful event. By creating an event – you’ll be able to invite all your friends and family virtually. You would be given an option to add all the details – such as venue, date, day, time. This can save a lot of time and effort.

This is not it, you’ll also be notified about who is attending your event and who’s not. Because social media platforms ask the invitee to answer whether they would be ‘going’ to the event or not. This would allow you to invite as many people as you want – without wasting papers.

5. Infographic timeline

Infographics have gained a lot of recognition because they are the best combination of pictures and information – altogether.

Why not make an ‘infographic timeline’ to invite guests at your wedding, sounds interesting? All you need to do is tell your love story – some details about when you first met, first date, and engagement. You can customize the size, layout as per your choice. But make sure that it does have 2 folds at least, so it is able to fit inside an envelope.

Your guests would definitely enjoy reading about your ‘love story’ or an ‘arrange marriage story’ – how parents helped you find your soul-mate. They would love to know how beautiful your journey has been.

6. Go-Vintage

Old is gold’ – isn’t this still so true. You can keep it simple by opting for a ‘vintage theme’ for your wedding. Therefore, you need to invest in vintage-styled wedding invitations too!

These invitations won’t be heavy on your pockets, but they would definitely be unique. For vintage-styled cards, it is important to choose the right font or else it can disrupt the look of the entire invite. Make sure you spend appropriate time while designing your vintage-themed wedding invitation.

If you’ve got a high budget, you can also send a small vintage decoration piece along with the wedding invitation. This would be cherry on the cake for the theme of your wedding.

7. Engraved Invites

Throughout your life, you must have been receiving card invitations made out of paper. Or if you got lucky, you would have gotten some sweets along with the invite.

It’s time to step out of the box and come up with something interesting and unique. Instead of paper, you can get ‘wooden cards’ – with a 3D touch. These cards don’t just look elegant but also add style to your invitation. The wooden invitations would have all the information related to your wedding.

Once your guests receive these invites, they’ll be thrilled to experience something which is beyond their imagination. Not just this, but after your wedding, this wood can also be utilized for various other things.

Planning is key when it comes to a wedding. You want your wedding to be special, enjoyable, full of memories and unique at the same time. Weddings are a call for celebrations, full of emotions and fun. So, why not go a little extra with your wedding invitations. You can look into these 7 creative ways to invite your guests to your wedding to set some benchmarks for your family and friends.

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