Flowers to keep at home that won’t make your pets go Haywire

Flowers to keep at home

Flowers add a character to anything in its surroundings. The Garden is incomplete without them, the living room is lifeless, the sunroom is not as pristine as you want it to be and the sun’s rays are not able to feel the beauty of the flowers.

Flower Company at revealed a very interesting topic regarding our buddies’ love for colourful flowers and going haywire. They indicated the pet friendly and non-friendly flower concept.

Who doesn’t love pets! They are out sweet, lovable, adorable furry friends who make a house, home. They crawl their way into our hearts for life. But have you ever thought about flowers and pets together? Maybe not.

Pets are always Curious

House pets are always curious by nature. They want to munch on everything and anything, so why not provide them with some beneficial edible flowers! Pets eat whatever fancies them, your favourite boots, heels, shoes, cushions, socks, sofas or flowers too.

Those who love their pet should unquestionably select pet-friendly flowers and enjoy a perfect atmosphere. It is on you to select the flowers to keep at home that won’t make your pets go haywire or crazy.

Non Toxic flowers

Now comes those flowers which are pet friendly and can be kept at home along with your pets without making them crazy. Those are:

1. Roses

One of the most beautiful flowers in the world is roses. They have been the center of attention from the very beginning, being simple love and friendship.

If pets can avoid the thorns, which can be painful, roses are perfectly safe and non toxic flowers for the pets.

2. Orchids

Various varieties and breeds, colours but as always, the most elegant and gorgeous cultivations.

These are non-poisonous and non-toxic. Few ones which are safe ones for pets are – Cocktail Orchids, Winter Orchids, Brazilian Orchids and Christmas Orchids.

3. Hollyhocks

Midsummer blooms on tall spikes and with most magnificent colours under the direct sun are the Hollyhocks. These are the most friendly flowers for the pets.

The leaves and stem parts may cause skin allergies due to the residual fibre on them but are not poisonous or deadly.

4. Aster

These are starry shaped flowers that come in different colours. They are the most pet-friendly flowers and they also attract little bees, hummingbirds and colourful butterflies.

Two of the well-known varieties are New York Aster and New England Asters. Asters can be in different colour patterns, single, semi-double and double.

5. Sunflowers

Sunflowers are the ones facing the sun. They are very attractive and attention grabbers of humans as well as animals too. The sunflower is a flower that can be sniffled, played and eaten by animals without any risk of reaction or fatal danger. The seeds of sunflowers are a rich source of magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins.

6. African Violets

These are the small clusters of white, blue or purple flowers over the cozy cushioning of green leaves. They can be double shaded too with an outline of light and dark in the middle.

The African Violets attract pets with vibrant colours and fragrance. They are pet friendly and can be grown indoors too.

7. Gerbera Daisies

These are exquisitely vibrant flowers adorning a multitude of different colours of white, pink, yellow is very famous among pet owners.

They are known for representing purity and joy. Pet owners can add these daisies in their households without harming their buddies.

8. Celosia

Resembling the burning flames, the celosia flower is very beautiful. Its beauty speaks in the shiny colour of its leaves, which varies from blue, burgundy, purple and gold.

They add a magnificent effect to the celosia. These are the edible little flowers and are perfectly safe for fur babies.


A member of a daisy family, this is again a very pretty, pet-friendly and lovely flower. These are to be identified as twins for dahlias and daisies.

There are very huge varieties of zinnia flowers, with equally amazing names. Some of these are Red, Spider, Purple Prince, Canary Bird, Cherry Queen, Thumbelina, Liliput.

Allergies that won’t wash away

Depending upon the size of the house cat, eating a flower toxic to the cat can be fatal. Each pet processes the chemicals differently. They cannot eliminate the toxins from flowers completely, from there systems proving deadly for them.

Owners do care for the little friends but are not always aware of what goes in their minds. While they wander in the backyard, they can come in contact with any toxic and non-pet friendly flower. It is also identified that some flowers have such toxins that can stick to the fur of the pet and gradually infect them posing unprecedented risks.


These are the symptoms that are considered for the erratic and irritating pets perpetrating out of the exposure to a flower or plant. Twitching and fitting, breathing difficulties, shocks, seizures, bitting, aggression, depression, salivation and swelling of the skin.

Toxic flowers

Some varieties of toxic flowers for the dogs and cats and other pets are:

1. Meadow Saffron

This is a pretty little pink flower, which is being studied for human cancer medication too. It damages multiple organs in cats, horses and dogs, once devoured.

2. Carnation

One of the most lovely creations of mother nature and source of a smile on a bride’s face, are toxic to pets. They are not poisonous for them but do create gastrointestinal problems.

3. English Ivy

Cute foliage on our garden fences is toxic for dogs and cats. These are very beautiful but are toxic and are easily available to pets too. These cause vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and depression.

4. Lilies

Lilies are the most deadly flowers for the feline category. They don’t affect dogs much. Once digested can result in kidney failure, proving fatal.


Pets are active and lively and flowers are silent beauties, lovable nonetheless. These are much larger sections to select from, just ask beforehand for those who won’t make pets crazy. After all, flowers are the real beauties, those need to be cherished and blossomed all over.

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