How To Make The Difference With A Silver & Diamond Mixture?

Silver & Diamond Mixture

Picking the perfect engagement ring is an extremely important step in a man’s life, but also the starting point of a life together with the loved one. Most people hope to see that priceless figure of admiration and amazement in the partner’s eyes and a diamond ring is one of the few things that can make the difference. Although the diamonds are more appropriate for engagement moments, a man does not need a special occasion to come up with a such a gift. A diamond will show every woman that she is loved, while it will always be trendy and can be assorted with anything. Moreover, the diamonds bring in some extravagance and can be found in a wide variety of models, regardless of the available budget.

What to look after:

Choosing a diamond ring implies following a few basic rules, which are basically responsible for the high or low costs.

  • Hand shape – Take your time in order to make a smart decision and determine the precise size of your partner’s finger, but also the hand shape. The shape will help you decide what style is more appropriate. A lady with long and straight fingers can easily fit with a large sized diamond, while the short fingers ask for a wide link to provide a visual elongation.
  • Job – The partner’s job is essential. Most women will never take off the engagement rings, whether they are at work or they attend a private party. Therefore, pick a model that can bring in this advantage.
  • Diamond shape – The shape is definitive and fortunately for every man, there are plenty of options. Analyze more jewelry stores and do not hesitate to compare particular shapes. Do not rush to make a decision until you see everything.
  • Cut – The cut refers to the light refraction. The more professional a cut is, the brighter the ring will be. This aspect is also definitive for the price.

The size is not the only thing that matters

A large diamond can definitely draw some attention, but you do not have to exaggerate. Understanding the basic rules in this industry is a must. For instance, if you run into two different diamonds that weigh 2 carats together, you will be surprised to find out that their price is cheaper compared to one larger diamond with the same weight. Aside from the size, you must pay attention to the cut, which indirectly defines the brightness. Once you understand these simple details, making some comparisons becomes easier.

Pay attention to her clues

If some ladies intentionally give out some obvious clues for their partners, some others do it without an actual purpose. You may sometimes find her checking out a magazine and sticking to a specific picture. In other situations, she might pay attention to a random teleshopping commercial. Her current rings may also give you some clues about what she likes to wear. The clues are everywhere, as long as you pay attention to them. Even when you go out with a few friends, the fact that she keeps commenting on one of her friends’ ring can tell you a lot about what she hopes to get one day.

Ask for support

The diamonds are available in different shapes and sizes. Although they may not realize it, most women have their own ideas regarding a perfect ring. A few of them can refuse a diamond, while the gesture is more than enough to describe your love. However, asking for help is a must, since you want this piece of jewelry to be perfect from all points of view. Get in touch with her best friends, but try to make sure they can keep a secret. The family members are just as helpful, especially her mother. A close friend can always inquire about personal preferences without raising any suspicions.

Overcome your fears

if you are not sure on the ring size or model, you can always surprise a lady with an unmounted diamond. You have the possibility to design the perfect engagement ring later. However, the element of surprise is partially lost in this case. Remember that gathering as many details and ideas as possible before spending your money will seriously increase your chance to purchase the perfect piece of jewelry.

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