How to Prepare Yourself for Breast Augmentation Second Guessing!

Breast Augmantation

Breast augmentation surgery blues are common, not for everyone, but for most of them. You will have anxiety leading you to second guessing in weeks and days leading up to the booked date. You will have thoughts coming to you on and off, questioning: “if you’re doing the right thing?” “What if something goes wrong”?

Just get this straight first that surgery, of any type, is a surgical procedure and is an emotional event. Breast augmentation is the same. You should not be surprise if your feel depressed and sad after the surgery. The second guess decisions for now and afterwards, the negatives-is normal and will happen.

You must have heard someone talk excitedly about her upcoming breast implantation. And just after the surgery, you found her unhappy with the results-most probable the breast size is not large enough or even close to her expectation. She is regretting the decision. This entire process of backpedalling is called Breast Augmentation Blues.

Let us assure you that these feeling along with many other will be completely normal. Let us briefly tell you why you will feel all this:

Before Surgery

You are running on adrenaline and preparing yourself for the surgery. If anything at this time goes against your choice or unplanned, you start taking it personally. This is because of the excitement and fear mixed together.

Post Surgery

  • You will have more pain than you expected and a lot of bruising and swelling.
  • The implants will seem too high on the chest, creeping out the entire picture.
  • The medication will cause constipation etc.
  • Your breast will seem smaller than expected.

You might even walk to mirror at times and think, “Was it even right to have breast augmentation?”. Emotional changes will occur as long as your breasts after surgery will not take the proper shape and position. Before and after the surgery, try keeping things in perspective. The depression and feeling blue will all subside as healing progresses.

If you continue to feel down, before and especially after breast augmentation-first most it’s important to contact your surgeon. Getting the surgery done from a reputable place is very important, because your surgeon will be the biggest support for you in times of making decision and to fight your depression. You can have breast augmentation surgery at Crispin Plastic Surgery center and expect the best to happen.

And once you have the best plastic surgeon for consultation, add these three supports:

Physical Support

Breast augmentation surgery recovery can last from a few days to weeks and physical support during this time will be the most important factor. You will need someone to lean on, whether s friend, siblings, parents, or better half will be needed. Physical support will be your help during meals and all other such activities.

Emotional Support

Breast augmentation surgery is a big decision and should be taken with proper care. The choice is personal but a strong emotional support during this process will help you to stay focused and encouraged.

Mental Support

Mental support is as important as the other factors. To stay positive and determined, your mental support will be your surgeon and family or friends. If your will power is strong, you will even heal better.

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