5 Natural & Practical Beauty Tips

Natural Beauty

”The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen nor even touched but just felt in the heart”. This line remains to be one of the most favorite nuggets of wisdom by ”beauty advocates”. However, no matter how much we convince ourselves that real beauty comes from within we still cannot help but worry about our physical looks. Outer beauty may not bring much worry to boys and men. But, to every woman and girl physical looks do matter enormously. Luckily, you have this article that will give you several natural and practical beauty tips.

1. Consume healthy foods

Keep your skin and your entire body healthy by eating healthy foods such as fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Exercise moderation in your sugar and calorie intake. You also need to avoid eating more of fatty foods and those that are high in sodium.  Eating nutritious foods will keep your skin looking healthy and radiant. See to it that your daily diet provides you with vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy body. A nutritious diet will definitely lead to healthy hair, skin and nails that are essential for achieving good physical looks. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins that you should have in your daily diet. You may also choose to take vitamin C supplements in order to make your skin stronger against any skin diseases.

2. Drink plenty of water

Your body needs 4 to 5 liters of water to flush away the toxins from your body. Another reason why you should drink lots of water is that it keeps your skin well-hydrated. Dry skin is often the result of not drinking enough amount of water every day. The more you drink the more that your body will become capable of removing toxins which will then give your skin a healthy glow. You must try your best to control your urge to grab another bottle of soda or any alcoholic beverages.  These beverages can wreak havoc not only to your outer looks but also to your overall health. Sodas, coffee and alcohol will only contribute to dehydration. These artificially processed beverages also contain chemicals that can exacerbate your stress and anxiety. In turn, you will always have this “stressed out” look which can hardly be concealed even when you apply some makeup.

3. Exfoliate your skin to make it look radiant:

Do exfoliate your skin at least once in a week. However, you should be careful about not overdoing it. Too much exfoliating may result to breakouts and chapped skin. Try oatmeal mixed with dried lavender for your facial scrub. You may also combine olive oil and white sugar as your facial and body exfoliating cream. Wash your face and rinse it using cold water to tighten your skin pores. Do not use strong astringents or cleansers to your face. Your face is naturally sensitive and must be treated gently.

4. Don’t put on too much make-up:

Thick makeup conceals real beauty. Avoid yourself from wearing heavy make-up every day. Less makeup will help your skin feel more relaxed and look younger. Heavy make-ups are unhealthy. It only contributes to skin dryness. Neutralize the chemicals you put on your face by applying some coconut oil. Coconut oil helps you treat acne and pimples which may lead to smoother and clearer skin tone.

5. Moisturize your skin regularly:

Moisturize your skin while you are still in the bathroom or soon after you take a bath. This is the right moment because the pores are open and the skin is moist. Moisturizing your skin will help you maintain its softness even as you grow older. The best natural remedy or cleansers are olive oil and honey.  Make it a habit to moisturize your skin to make it look younger and more radiant.

Unfortunately, living in modern times has also lead many people to be exposed to highly-stressful situations on a daily basis. As  a result, more and more people are suffering from stress and anxiety which can be so detrimental to one’s physical looks and overall health. Try to incorporate some or all of the abovementioned beauty tips and enjoy life being beautiful inside and out despite being in the midst of stressful events.

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