Engagement Ring – ChicMags https://chicmags.com Sun, 05 Apr 2020 14:22:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://chicmags.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/chicmags-favicon-150x150.png Engagement Ring – ChicMags https://chicmags.com 32 32 Should You Buy An Engagement Ring From Blue Nile Or James Allen https://chicmags.com/buy-engagement-ring-blue-nile-james-allen/ Tue, 22 Aug 2017 17:28:45 +0000 http://www.chicmags.com/?p=4478 There are a number of factors that a man considers and studies before he is able to make a wise decision on a particular engagement ring he wishes to buy before he proposes to his partner. The shape of the diamond, as well as the shape of the ring’s setting often plays a significant part in how much his partner would like the engagement ring. The man also needs to decide what type of gemstone should be used in the diamond, and whether it should be a real gemstone or rather a fake one that will offer a significant reduction in the price of the engagement ring.

When a real gemstone is preferred, the man needs to decide on additional properties, such as the quality of the gemstone. The higher the different qualities, such as the cut, color, and clarity of a particular gemstone, the more the gemstone will cost; thus increasing the price that the man will have to pay for an engagement ring.

Should You Buy From Blue Nile Or James Allen

If a man has decided how much he can spend on a diamond engagement ring, or another type of engagement ring, and have decided on the other particular properties, such as how the ring should look and whether gold, white gold or platinum should be utilized for the setting of the ring, then he can move on to finding the most appropriate online retailer to buy the engagement ring from. While there are many different online retailers, we often find that both James Allen and Blue Nile are the most preferred of them all.

First of all, the shopping experience you experience while browsing Blue Nile and James Allen tend to defer significantly. You can observe a much cleaner and more professional look when you visit the Blue Nile website, while the James Allen website tends to exhibit a more colorful and lively frontend for their customers and visitors to enjoy.

Customer Support

Both Blue Nile and James Allen offers professional customer support, which can be obtained by simply visiting their website and requesting feedback on questions and comments. In addition to the customer support system, both brands also offers a user account management system, which customers can use to save their payment details, view their last orders and quickly order new items without having to go through a time-consuming checkout process again.

One particular aspect that puts James Allen above Blue Nile is the way their selection process is dealt with. According to Your Diamond Teacher, Blue Nile simply offers a list of available diamonds without a preview being available for every single diamond on the list. This makes it difficult for a person with some knowledge about diamonds to inspect the diamond. James Allen, however, has incorporate a 360 degree technology into their website that displays a high-quality, high-resolution image of each diamond, allowing a potential customer to observe the diamond up close, as if they had it with them.


The first step to buying an engagement ring for your partner might be to determine the look of the ring, the gemstone to be used, the quality of the gemstone that should be utilized and, of course, how the setting of the ring should be made, it is important not to forget the fact that choosing the right retailer to buy the engagement ring from is just as important. In this post, we outlined the differences between two of the most popular online jewelry retailers, Blue Nile and James Allen, both offering several types of engagement rings and the option to get the ring delivered to the customer’s doorstep for free, with the condition that the customer resides within the United States.

Using Promotional Items In Picking The Right Engagement Ring https://chicmags.com/using-promotional-items-picking-right-engagement-ring/ Fri, 01 Feb 2013 14:26:09 +0000 http://www.chicmags.com/using-promotional-items-in-picking-the-right-engagement-ring Right Engagement RingSo you’re finally planning to propose marriage to your girl friend huh? Congratulations are definitely in order but before you get all giddy with excitement, you need to sit back, pull yourself together and ensure that you choose the right engagement ring to seal this lifetime proposal. After all, you want to get a positive answer, right? Thus, it’s just normal to want a really good engagement ring to symbolize this milestone in your life. Did you know that promotional items could help you pick the ideal engagement ring?

How Promotional Items Can Help Choose Engagement Rings

Promotional items, in essence, are customized or imprinted tools used by various businesses or even non-profit organizations in their different marketing and advertising needs. They are given during trade shows, launching days, or at any given day in shops, stores, and boutiques to potential customers. Jewelry shops, which carry an assortment of classy and exquisite engagement, are just some of the ones that give out these promotional items. Here are ways on how they can help you make your engagement ring choice:

1. They Are Ideal Symbols Of The Main Product

Promotional items given by jewelry shops, like simple accessories, are meant to serve as symbols of the main product that the shop or store offers. Therefore, it is practical to accept these giveaways so you can have a future reference in case you’re planning to buy a similar or related jewelry piece.

2. They Inform You Of Discounts And Promos

Let’s face it. We all need to be wise in our expenses, and that includes the ones that we allot for miscellaneous items like engagement rings, which can also be considered as gifts. Promotional items inform customers of current promos and discounts so you’ll know the ideal time to buy these products.

3. They Provide Important Details About Jewelry Items

Sometimes promotional products are also used as educational tools. They may be customized to contain relevant information about choosing the right jewelry pieces, maintaining these products, and the like.

4. They Let You Avail Of Extra Perks And Privileges

Free shipping and handling, free item cleaning, and other supplementary perks are offered by most jewelry shops or companies. They sometimes use promotional items to let their customers know of these added benefits. Thus, it is recommendable for you to check the promotional product thoroughly and see if it contains any “hidden” perks.

Getting engaged for marriage is one of the best and most exciting things that can happen in any man’s or woman’s life. Therefore, it is just fitting to carefully and meticulously prepare for this moment. Start it right by scoring the best engagement ring your money can buy!

6 Tips: How to Choose a Diamond Shape for Your Engagement Ring https://chicmags.com/6-tips-choose-diamond-shape-engagement-ring/ Thu, 04 Oct 2012 17:58:16 +0000 http://www.chicmags.com/6-tips-how-to-choose-a-diamond-shape-for-your-engagement-ring Style is everything, at least to some people. How you accessorize tells the world not only how you see yourself, but how you’d like to be remembered. This is true in nearly every situation, but is especially important when it comes to choosing your engagement ring. Not only is the size of the diamond is important, but the shape as well. It should match your personality and your style. Following are a few tips on how to choose a diamond shape for your engagement ring.

Choose Engagement Ring

1. Do Your Research

Before deciding on what sort of diamond to get for your engagement ring, you should do some research to find out what types, cuts, and shapes are available. Not every stone is cut the same, and they can be cut in different styles. The diamond you choose should match the personality of your intended, as well as how they look.

2. Sometimes Smaller Is Better

The size of the stone in your engagement ring will be important to your intended, but it shouldn’t be your primary concern. Sometimes larger diamonds don’t really match her personality. Far more important is whether she is happy with it or not. So, it is the shape of the diamond, rather than the size, that should be of utmost concern.

3. Different Shapes for Different Hands

Women with large hands are able to wear larger stones without having them look out of place, while those with small hands may be overwhelmed if they are given a ring with a large diamond. Flashy stones in large settings will look out of place on a woman with smaller hands. People with small hands may look better with a smaller stone, because it’ll make their hands look bigger. Oval or pear shaped stones will make shorter fingers look longer. So the shape can definitely affect how a person looks while wearing an engagement ring.

4. Lifestyle Is Important

Women who live an active lifestyle may not be happy with larger stones, because they could continually get in the way. The ring may actually get caught on doors, windows, or kitchen appliances. Even people who work with computers for extended periods of time may not be satisfied with larger stones, because they’ll be a distraction. If your stone has high prongs, they could get caught on clothing, or scratch other people while you’re going about your daily affairs. You also have to take into consideration how your ring will be perceived by your casual acquaintances. If you normally live a conservative lifestyle, a large stone may be out of place.

5. Dare to Be Different

The most popular shape for a diamond on an engagement ring is round. But not everyone likes to go with what everybody else has. They dare to be different. For those people there are a variety of different shapes to choose from. You can choose from pear, oval, emerald, princess, marquis, and heart shaped diamonds. Each of these has a distinctive shape that will make your ring stand out from everyone else’s. The shape of the stone should complement the band that it’s set in. You will also have a choice of the setting the stone goes in. This should also set off the stone, and go with the band.

6. Cut Is Different than Shape

When you’re trying to decide what shape you want your diamond to be, make sure you keep in mind that the shape will be different than the cut. There are many different types of cuts. The cut of a diamond determines its brilliance and shine, while the shape refers to whether it’s round, square, rectangular, or some other shape. When you choose a diamond, you’ll be deciding on how it’s cut, as well as the shape. If your primary concern is the shape, you probably won’t mind if the stone isn’t quite as shiny as it could be. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the shape you choose will not be brilliant or shine, it simply means that you put more emphasis on the shape than on the cut. How brilliant or shiny the stone is after its cut will depend mostly on the stone itself, and the expertise of the craftsman. There are many fine diamonds in a variety of shapes and cuts that are guaranteed to please nearly anyone.

How to Select Wedding Rings https://chicmags.com/select-wedding-rings/ Mon, 06 Aug 2012 07:38:43 +0000 http://www.chicmags.com/how-to-select-wedding-rings Men a lot feel like they are playing the behind role when it comes to their wedding. Much of the thought is focused on the bride who generally does the bulk of the planning and executive when it comes to the large day. Sure, you had plenty of effort, but as some of your friends will joke, you’re just down for the ride!

One area that causes greatly consternation for men is the wedding band. Pending recently, a wedding ring was a choice for men, if even given much thought in the first place. As recently as two generation ago, it was hard enough for couples to scrape together enough money for now one band for her, never mind that lots of brides used to give up an engagement ring as having one was careful an extravagance. Those days are long gone!

Getting back to men, we are not forever every that delighted by the choice of rings presented to us. If you are like me, you never wore a ring formerly; perhaps not liking a exacting style or considering a few to be too effeminate. May be you’ve sound this: attention should be given to her hand only, not mine!

Fortunately, wedding rings designers are consider what men desire when designing a wedding band now for them and I must tell you this: they can look like the woman’s ring without every of the glittery accessories. Her gold, silver, or platinum ring may look like yours, but hers is thinner, fixed with diamonds or other stones, and very womanly. On the extra hand yours will be wider and absolutely reserved when it comes to its look. Leave the glitter to the ladies, but motionless wear a ring that complement her ring well.
Select Wedding Rings
Buy your ring online. Find the online jewelry store. Avoid the malls and getting drag from store to store. You can contact freshpromocodes and ask for them to send a ring size to you to find out what your size is. Freshpromocodes offers gold, silver, and platinum wedding bands for less, usually without state tax, and at prices well below mall stores. When shopping Fresh Promo Codes, you won’t feel mauled as would by shopping at the local mall!

Go with comfort. The shape of the ring and its width are two factors that will go a long way in helping you decide if a wedding band is comfortable or not. Soft, round edges are preferable to a ring with bony edges. The curvature on the within of the ring should be soft or else you’ll find the ring annoying and not desire to wear it. The best wedding band for a man is the one he can trip on forget is there.

Find your style. The difficulty to find a ring that matches the bride’s section a lot turns guys away from wearing a ring themselves. Though a matching pair can be a nice gesture, you may find that your special styles are at glacial opposites of all other. Better to find rings you both like for yourselves, then to effort to agree on a matter that really doesn’t matter.

Once you find a ring that you like then plan to wear it all the time. Sure, when you work on the car or do a household project, you’ll wish for to remove it, but stay it on at every time to show your promise to her. There is amazing to be said by offering her a visible and touchable reminder of your love for her, incredible she’ll find important and highly major.
