Healthy Skin – ChicMags Tue, 24 Sep 2013 12:14:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthy Skin – ChicMags 32 32 8 Beauty Tips to Maintain Healthy Skin as a Daily Make-up Wearer Tue, 19 Mar 2013 15:44:28 +0000 Skin Care ProductsWearing make-up is a rite of passage for many young women. Make-up can enhance what Mother Nature has already created, making you look your best in public. However, it’s very important to care for the delicate skin on your face because make-up can also be very damaging with daily use. This is because cosmetics contain a variety of chemicals that can get deep under skin layers and cause acne breakouts, skin reactions, puffiness and early signs of aging.

To avoid these common problems and maintain a healthy complexion, here are some expert beauty tips for keeping your face looking youthful and refreshed throughout your life.

1. Choose Make-ups That’s Right For Your Skin Type:

Each person has a unique skin type that dictates the type of make-up you should be using. Instead of a “one-size-fits-all” philosophy, do your research and pick make-up products that work with your natural beauty, such as the sensitivity of your face and eyes.

2. Use Cosmetics Sparingly On Your Face

No one looks good with make-up plastered onto their face like a cake. Use what you were born with and think of make-up as a way to enhance this, instead of covering everything up. Go for the natural look, so no one knows you are wearing any make-up.

3. Try Products Made From Organic Ingredients

To help reduce the amount of damage caused by toxins in some make-products. For example, some make-up contains formaldehyde, which is used as a preservative. Instead, opt for make-up made from organics.

4. Treat Blemishes And Skin Conditions:

Irritations and acne is a sign of a health issue, therefore you must take steps to treat them as soon as possible. Don’t just cover them up with concealer because doing so will make them worse.

5. Avoid Going To Bed With Make-Up On

No matter what, always take the time to go to bed with a clean face. If you happen to make the mistake of falling asleep after a night out on the town, be sure to give your face an extra scrubbing in the morning to remove built up dirt and oils in the skin.

6. Toss Out Old Make-Up Products

Make-up needs to be refreshed at least once or twice a year. Take the time to read the instructions on each package and toss out any make-up that smells, is separating, or is over a year old. Replace with a fresh container, to avoid bacterial infections.

7. Never Share Make-Up With Others

One big mistake that young people make, and even working women, is sharing their make-up products with girlfriends. This introduces harmful bacteria and germs into your make-up, causing you to break out.

8. Stick To A Daily Cleansing Routine

Above all else, take the time to establish a daily routine of washing your face with a gentle cleanser and following up with a light moisturizer at least once in the morning and once before heading for bed. This will help keep your face looking its best.

Using make-up on a daily basis is a skill that takes years of practice to look great. Take the time to care for your sensitive facial areas, and especially around your eyes, for a youthful look that will last a lifetime. Learn more about skin care and the ingredients found in cosmetics at Web MD.

What Vitamins Are Needed For A Beautiful & Healthy Skin? Sun, 30 Dec 2012 14:05:42 +0000 VitaminsEvery woman wants perfect skin, but we can’t all afford to spend hundreds of pounds on expensive beauty creams and treatments. So what is the answer for how to get beautiful skin without the cost? Simple: just make sure that you are getting the right vitamins in your diet. With the right balance of vitamins you will not only find your skin looking more radiant, but your hair and nails will soon follow suit. If you add in the general health advantages of having a good and complete diet, why on earth would you not want to have some more vitamins?

The first thing that should be noted is that vitamins alone will not suffice to make skin beautiful and healthy. You will need to be regularly getting a good amount of sleep (at least 8 hours a night), be drinking lots of water and eating a balanced diet. The vitamins, whether they come from an alteration of your diet or supplements, are only there as a booster – you should already be caring for your skin.

The vast majority of us take multivitamins on a daily basis, but unfortunately some of the brands that we are accustomed to are not doing as much for us as we may think. To test if your multivitamin is worth taking, drop it in a glass of water at room temperature, and see how long it takes to dissolve. If the tablet has not dissolved after half an hour, stop taking it – all it is doing is sitting in your stomach, rather than benefitting your body. Save yourself time and money and buy some other vitamins that I’ll discuss below. Do take caution with these vitamins; if you are pregnant or suffer from diabetes or high blood pressure, make sure you have checked with a doctor before taking these concentrated vitamins.

Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is an extremely important vitamin for ensuring that you have healthy skin, as it aids the growth and repair of tissues throughout the body, as well as creating smoother and softer skin. Other advantages to taking Vitamin A include a potential reduction in the likelihood of several cancers (including lung cancer), and healthier gums.

Vitamin B:

The second vitamin that I would suggest is Vitamin B Complex. Although many multivitamins contain these types of vitamin, Vitamin B Complex has specific advantages to the maintenance of the body. The reason that it is often taken as a supplement is because there are few foods that contain the vitamin – liver being one, which I’m not particularly fond of. This vitamin works on your skin, teeth, nails and hair, but you will have to be patient; as with all vitamins, it will take some time before you notice considerable changes.

Vitamin B-1:

Vitamin B-1 will not specifically help your skin, but does serve to increase energy levels and helps to tone muscles. Increased energy will decrease the tired look that some people have, which is why I am still recommending it. A tablet of around 0.8mg is enough for women to take daily, or otherwise you can find Vitamin B-1 in dairy products and wholegrain cereals and breads.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is the last vitamin that I will be suggesting here. Vitamin E is the best anti-oxidant vitamin available, which will help to ensure that you have clean and healthy skin. A deficiency in Vitamin E can cause dry skin patches to occur, and also helps to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Sunflower seeds are by far the best source, but almonds and spinach are similarly good foods that contain Vitamin E.
