Hair Care Tips – ChicMags Tue, 24 Sep 2013 13:24:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hair Care Tips – ChicMags 32 32 7 Hair Maintenance Tips For Different Hair Types Sat, 03 Nov 2012 10:55:49 +0000 Different Hair TypesOnce you know about your natural hair type, straight, curly or wavy, you need to take care of them, lest they lose their beauty. So how do you take care of your lovely tresses? What kind of products to use, the kind of hair styles and treatments for your locks?

There is no single answer that suits all kinds of hair types. Every head is different. At times you need to experiment and try new methods to keep those strands in top shape. But there are some basics for hair care which can get you started. Hair care tips for different hair types.


Dry HairYour hair type can be spoiled with too many coloring jobs or perms. They can cause damage to the hair. Also excessive exposure to heat from curling irons, hair dryers, heated rollers or other electric styling tools can equally damage your hair. Dry hair is easily affected if you are out in the sun or swimming in pools with chlorinated water. These can deplete the hair life and strength. Here are a few techniques which can restore the natural brilliance of your hair type.

  • Moisturizing shampoos and conditioners especially designed for dry and damaged hair should be used.
  • Use a leave-in product to protect your hair when taking a dip in the beach or going for a swim.
  • Reduce the use of hairdryers, curling irons and other hair styling electric tools.
  • Treat your hair with a deep conditioner at least once a week.
  • Adjust your appliances regularly as the internal thermostats that control heat in due course stop working.


Oily or Greasy HairA small amount of oil or grease is normal for hair. In order to keep your tresses in good condition, a little amount of oil is required. Excess of oil or grease can make your hair go limp and dirty. You should avoid using a heavy shampoo or conditioner if your hair and scalp are greasy. If only the scalp is greasy then the shampoo can be for oily hair and conditioner for dry hair to balance out. Some other tips for oily hair are:

  •  You may be tempted to wash your hair everyday or frequently when you have oily or greasy hair. But, the oil glands on your scalp are actually stimulated by massage so the more you wash your hair, the greasier your scalp becomes. Avoid shampooing your hair every day.
  • For a more gentle cleaning action, use the flat of your fingers to shampoo your hair.


Thin or Fine HairFine or Thin hair looks lifeless. They need to give a little volume and create an illusion of thicker mane. Here are a few ways to do this:ere Here

  • To give your hair a fuller appearance, get a blunt hair cut. It makes the hair appear thicker at the end. Also don’t let the hair grow longer. The longer they grow the thinner they look.
  • When applying conditioner, apply them on the ends and not on the roots. Split ends and breakage make the hair look thinner. There can be a temptation to skip the conditioner; however using it averts split ends and breakage.


Thick HairThick hair comes with its own set of problems. They face itchy and flaky scalp.  This occurs because of inadequate rinsing after a hair wash. The Shampoo soap leaves residue which gets sealed on the scalp with the conditioner, causing dryness and irritation. Some ways to keep those tresses problem free are:

  • Make sure to rinse your hair properly when you shampoo.
  • The hair length should be either short or long. Short haircuts keep the hair under control. Mid length cuts tend to make the hair tips stand out.
  • Hair when cut in layers relieves the bulk. Avoid cutting in short layers or pieces; you may end up adding more bulk.
  • While trying hair color, go for semi permanent colors which don’t have a thickening effect as permanent colors and bleach.


Curly HairThe major problem that people with curly hair face is that their hair lack shine. Curly hair have uneven surface, unlike straight hair and thus they don’t reflect light preventing the natural sheen. They appear duller. To remedy this, there are few tricks:

  • Avoid sweeping your waves; they might end up in locks. Rather smooth them with hands and fingers.
  • Use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners to seal and smooth the hair surface while washing.
  • Don’t wash your hair every day. It robs of the sebum, making your hair look frizzy.
  • A wide tooth comb while conditioning will help in even application of the conditioner.
  • Let your hair dry naturally or air dry, than using the hair dryer.
  • Rinse hair preferably with cold water. After a wash pat dry your hair with a thick absorbent towel.
  • Avoid lock products like, oil, mousses and solutions.
  • Also try for a salon restorative treatment regularly.


Straight HairStraight hair goes flat on the scalp and can accumulate grease which can give a dull look. For beautiful straight hair you should:

  • Use a deep cleaning shampoo daily and a clarifying gel treatment once a week.
  • Never sweep your hair when wet. Use fingers to detangle them.
  • Stay away from styling metal on the hair. In case you do have to use, keep the heat element low.
  • Brush your hair with a wide toothed comb.


Wavy HairWavy hair also tends to have a little uneven surface, thus lacking a little lustre and shine that straight hair give. Some tips to maintain the wavy hair are:

  • Instead of air drying your wavy locks, try to dry them as much as possible with a towel.
  • Use a wide toothed comb to detangle the tresses. Don’t tug at them else will cause harm.
  • Get them clipped every six to eight weeks.
  • Make use of shine enhancing products and indulge in cleansing once a month.

When changing from one hair type to the other, the alteration can be temporary or permanent using chemicals. Make sure to take proper care of your tresses. Keeping the hair clean, avoiding excessive heat, using natural oils and trimming the hair regularly are other basics to keep your hair beautiful.

How to get Pretty Hair at any Age? Thu, 27 Sep 2012 11:53:44 +0000 Pretty Hair at Any age

Healthy hair is a desire of every women and charm for every man! Whatever be the age, hair play an important role in adding lustre to your personality. Healthy hairs thus, are the most desirous wish women could ask for. Silky, strong and soft tresses are not a hard wish only if you know the proper way to take care of your mane. In the following article some hair care tips especially considering age related changes in the texture of hair.

Length does not define the beauty but texture, conditioning, shine and strength are the key traits used to define or elaborate health and beauty of one’s hair. All these are genetically controlled and also get affected by the aging process of the body. But lest all, an individual’s diet and general hair care habits or techniques also affect the overall health of his natural crown, his/her hair.

How hair changes with age?

As a person ages, visible changes in the texture and health of his skin and hair start becoming evident. In case of hair, aging shows as loss of lustre, thinning of hair, increased hair fall and reduced growth rate; apart from greying and whitening of the hair. All such changes occur as the body’s repair and regeneration system slows down with age. The changes are a part of body’s normal aging process and nothing like a disease or abnormality. Therefore, once you notice such changes, need not worry but yes you can take steps to reduce intensity of such signs.

How hair changes

While it is humanly impossible to defy aging of the body; one can work to firstly delay the onset and next to retard the process once started. Both of this can be achieved by keeping ones metabolism and nutrition intake under control and within healthy brackets. Change is a part of life, and body’s requirements change with passing years. So, one should remain conscious to change his/her diet and lifestyle as per the body’s need. Understand your body and work accordingly to keep it healthy and fit for longer. Same advice applies for your skin and hair as well, as they are no separate but parts of your body only.

Simple changes can bring about big differences!

When hair is concerned changes in twothings can bring about a significant difference in the health of your hair viz. diet, lifestyle (including hair care habits).

Dietary modulations for lustrous and string hair:

  • Hair is nothing but proteins and amino acids so ensure a good supply of these two in your daily diet.  While vegetarians can rely on dark green vegetables, beans and lentils for this; non-vegetarians can include salmon, fish and lean beef in their diet to have adequate dose of proteins. String Hair
  • Dry fruits or dry nuts like cashews, raisins, almonds, pistachios, hazel nuts and even peanuts and apricots are a good source of minerals like selenium which help keep your scalp healthy.
  • For good dose of vitamins and zinc, egg, poultry and whole grains are a solution. Carrots are especially rich in vitamin A and thus prove good for both skin and hair. Skin and Hair Fruits
  • Anti-oxidants are anti-aging worker molecules in the body. Their apt amount in the diet is necessary rather it can be said that there need increases with age. Anti-oxidant rich food include green veggies especially tomatoes for vegetarians and oysters for non-vegetarians. Green teas are also rich in AO and at least one cup a day would suffice.
  • Avoid fatty food as sluggishness can affect your hair and skin, this is true especially for elder groups.
  • Last of all, drink plenty of water to keep your scalp and hair hydrated since dry hair are more prone to damage.

From kitchen to bathroom

Just lathering your scalp with shampoo and rinsing it off is not enough care for your hair. It might have worked in your younger days but with age, you need to change your hair care habits to compliment the needs of changing hair.

  • Massaging with oil is essential, at least twice a week. Massaging with warm oil helps better penetration of the oil, better circulation of blood in scalp and opening of pores for promoting growth. If this is not possible, just wrap your hair with hot towel for 15 minutes after oiling. It has similar effects. Choice of oil can be any from plain coconut, olive, almond, gooseberry or any other to a mixture of one or more. Massaging Hair
  • Choice of oil also is based on the specific purpose or condition of your hair. Each type of oil has somewhat different purpose and you can take advice from your dermatologist regarding the same.
  • Use mild shampoo and try to stay away from chemical based products as far as possible. They can be harsh for your hair. This is true especially for older people, as their hair have now become more sensitive and brittle with age.
  • Appropriate conditioning is essential; use ready made products or home-made preparations from curd, henna, vinegar etc. for the same. Again, try and use least amount of chemicals on your scalp.
  • If, you know you have thin and weak hair, prefer to keep them short as longer hairs are prone to tangling and breakage. And always remember to be gentle while brushing your hair.Weak hair

Mould your habits

  • Keep active and include exercise in your daily routine. This helps boost circulation and metabolism thus promoting growth and strength of hair. With age, this becomes even more essential.
  • Have a stress free life. Your tension and stress show on your hair and skin. Use techniques like meditation or yoga to relax your mind and body.Hair Meditation

This is an essential advice in order to slower the effect of aging on hair.

  • Avoid excessive use of hair dryers, hair dyes or bleaching agents on your hair. Aging or no aging, these chemical based products prove harmful for your scalp and thus weakening hair follicles.Hair Dryers

With the above tips and suggestions can help you have pretty hair at any age.
