Have A Little Skin in the Game min

Have a Little Skin in the Game

Here are some skin related questions and answers for you. The questions are first and the answers are below. No peeking – I’m watching you!


1. Is the skin classed as an organ of the body?

2. How much skin covers the body?

3. What are the three layers of skin called?

4. What is melanin and of what use is it?

5. Which of the following can cause dry skin?

  • Weather
  • Indoor Heating
  • Hot Baths and Showers
  • Soaps and Detergents
  • Skin Conditions
  • All of the above
  • None of the above

6. Can you name five methods to relieve dry skin?

7. Which of these symptoms describe the skin condition Eczema and which describe Acne?

  • Condition One – A skin condition that occurs when pores become plugged with oil and dead skin cells which causes the production of whiteheads, blackheads or pimples, and usually appears on the face, forehead, chest and upper back. It’s most common among teenagers, but it affects people of all ages.
  • Condition Two – A skin condition that occurs when people have an over-reactive immune system that, when triggered by something on the skin or inside the body, responds by producing inflammation. It is this inflammation that causes red, itchy and painful skin.


1. Yes, the skin is classed as an organ of the body; it actually weighs around 8 pounds. It also carries nerve endings that act as sensors, passing information to the brain.

2. An adult carries close to 22 square feet of skin; all of it working to help manufacture Vitamin D from sunlight which converts calcium into strong, healthy bones.

3. The three layers of skin:

  • Epidermis – The outer which is made up of layers of cells called keratinocytes which constantly grow outwards to replace cells that have died and flaked off. It acts as a waterproof insulating defence against harsh sunlight and extreme temperatures.
  • Dermis – The centre which gives the skin strength and elasticity and carries the hair follicles and blood vessels.
  • Subcutis – The inner which carries a layer of fat as a fuel reserve and as insulation against bumps and falls.

4. Melanin is a pigment produced in the epidermis to protect the skin from the sun’s UV (ultra-violet) rays which can potentially cause cancer. Skin color is also decided by the amount of melanin in the skin; people originating from areas with more direct sunlight such as the tropics will have darker skin, while people with a northern ancestry will have lighter skin as the angle of the sun produces less direct rays.

More detail on the above may be found under Skin at Science by National Geographic.

5. All of the above

  • Weather – Weather affects skin moisture especially in winter with cold temperatures and low humidity.
  • Indoor Heat – Fireplaces, space heaters and central heating all lower the humidity which pulls moisture from your skin.
  • Hot Baths and Showers – These can remove the protective oils from your skin if overdone. Frequent swimming in chlorinated pools may have the same effect.
  • Soaps and Detergents – Any cleanser formulated to remove oil may also remove moisture from your skin.
  • Skin Conditions – People with skin conditions such as eczema or acne are also prone to dry skin.

6. Five ways to relieve dry skin:

  • Moisturize – This provides a seal over your skin to prevent moisture from escaping. Apply several times daily, preferably while your skin is still damp just after washing. Pat dry and then cover with the moisturizer before your skin dries completely.
  • Winter – Wear a hat, scarf, and gloves when going outside, especially if it’s windy.
  • Indoor Heating – Use a humidifier and make sure to keep it clean to avoid bacteria and fungi from growing inside and being vented into the room.
  • Baths and Showers – Keep them under ten minutes in length and use warm, not hot, water.
  • Soaps and Detergents – Use cleansing creams and bath or shower gels with moisturizers. Also, use mild soaps containing added oils.

More detail on the above may be found under Dry Skin at MayoClinic by The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

7. Skin Conditions

  • Condition One – Acne

The traditional method of treating acne was the rub, scrub, and repeat. This method usually resulted in the just more irritated skin. The acne bacteria trapped under a layer of dead skin cells is stuck together by a biological type of cellular glue at the entrance to a pore. Removal of this glue-like substance is best handled by an anti-acne face wash as explained at the Facing Acne website.

  • Condition Two – Eczema

There is no cure for eczema but there are treatments, and depending on the type and severity of the flare-up, treatments could include lifestyle changes, over-the-counter (OTC) remedies and prescription medications. More information may be found here at the National Eczema Foundation website.

Well, that’s the end of our little game. How did you do? You got 100%, right? If not, I hope that you found these facts interesting and will learn even more by checking out the links provided.


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