Body Piercing

5 Tips To Get A Body Piercing

Body PiercingA few years ago, women opted to pierce their ears merely so that they could wear a broad range of jewelry. Nevertheless, things are very much different today. There are increased numbers of both male and female individuals who choose to pierce other parts of their bodies including the nose, tongue, eyebrow, navel as well as the genitals. Research indicates that more than 20% of all piercings on the body happen at the piercing site after the process.

Here are a few tips to help you avoid this from occurring to you when getting your piercing.

1. Be aware of the risk infection

Before you go to pierce any part of your body, it is wise to know your risk of infection. If you have an open wound or infection, it is definitely not a good idea to get a piercing at that time. Your risk of infection will be higher at that time thus; it would do you good to wait until you are completely healed.

2. Go to a professional

Many people nowadays are crazy about Do It Yourself DIY tasks. While getting a piercing gun to pierce your ears sounds easy, it is actually a little more complicated. First of all the equipment has to be sterilized properly then kept in a hygienic environment. It is hard to do this at home so your best bet would be to go to a credible body-piercing professional. The expert will not only have clean and safe equipment but will also know how to carry out the process safely.

3. Know your body anatomy

It is very important to know your body’s anatomy before you get any piercing on your body, apart from the ears. You ought to realize that skin surface differ from one individual to another. For instance, if you have a tongue with a short frenum, it would be a bad idea to get a tongue piercing because you risk infection and you would look unattractive. On the other hand, you would look great with a navel piercing if you have a belly button with a unique ridge.

 4. Provide your medical history

A credible body-piercing professional should ask for your medical history when you go to get a piercing in any part of your body. Of course, this means you should well be aware of your medical history to provide it to the expert. This history should include allergies and the medication you are taking. To minimize the risk of infection and excessive bleeding, you should avoid all aspirin and no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at least a week before the piercing.

5. Stick to the care guidelines

After the process of piercing, all professionals will provide some care instructions you are suppose to follow for a few weeks until you completely heal. You should follow these guidelines to the letter if you want to get well quickly. Do not be tempted to try out something else you heard someone else tried and healed quickly. Remember skin types differ so the piercing professional’s piercing instructions are specifically for your skin type.

In today’s world, body piercings have become more common than anyone ever imagined. In fact, over 50% of women and 20% of men in the US alone have one or more body piercings apart from the earlobe. People pierce their bodies for personal, artistic or cultural expression. Whatever your reason, make certain you do it safely by following the above tips.


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