DIY Wedding Invitations

Get Exactly What You Want With DIY Wedding Invitations

No longer are wedding colors restricted to the classic white of off-white with pastel accessories. Now, colors are often bold and bright, with many non-conventional ones, including black. That means that if you send out the classic white invitation with the traditional styling, you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to make a definite style statement.

DIY Wedding InvitationsInvitations include the card, an envelope to mail it in, a response card, and an envelope for that. That is the very minimum of enclosures. Whether you choose to print it yourself, or order custom printing, you can make the style and color a statement of your own taste.

Papers and Colors

Papers used to print DIY wedding invitations are of many different types and qualities. There are the classic white or off-white linen looking paper with a high rag content. The higher the rag content, the better is the quality of the paper.

Colors are available in almost any color or hue imaginable, from the palest pastels to the boldest, deep, dark shades of a color. Some colors have a metallic hue as well. Neutrals of beige, gray, white, and even black are available.


Styles can range from traditional to contemporary and from formal to whimsical or funny, but most of all, they should reflect the style of your wedding. If you are going to have a large wedding with formal wear, and formal ceremony elements, you will want to keep to the traditional and formal. However, if you plan a fun wedding by the sea, for example, you will want your invitations to be more relaxed and whimsical.

Whatever DIY wedding invitation you design, remember that there are two main things to consider. One, you want the invitation to match the style and colors of your wedding ceremony plans. Secondly, you want to be sure to give the guests all the information they need such as time, place, style of dress, etc. You may even need to add a map to the invitation so show them how to get to the exact place.


When choosing DIY wedding invitations, it is important to get just what you want. The expense can be quite an outlay, so you want to make sure to get your money’s worth. The following checklist, when considered before buying, can insure you get just that. Questions to ask are:

  • What is the style of the wedding, formal or fun?
  • Do you like simple designs, or elaborate ones?
  • What enclosures will you want to include?
  • What is the color scheme of your wedding?
  • What flowers have you chosen?
  • Do you need other stationary needs, such as thank you notes, or guest book?
  • How much can you afford to spend?

Considering these questions will help you get exactly what you want. You won’t be disappointed or go over your budgeted amount if you answer them in depth. This should be done as a couple, in conjunction with your wedding planner.

Announcements vs. Invitations

Sometimes, for one reason or another, you may wish to announce your wedding to some but not invite them to the actual ceremony. The same design and stationary can be used to do this. The wording will be slightly changed. Instead of saying “… would like to invite you…” you will say, “…would like to announce…”

Mailing the announcement the day of the wedding or the day after is within wedding etiquette boundaries and will prevent there being confusion over whether or not the person is being invited to the ceremony. In this instance, it is appropriate, and nice, for the announcement to be from the couple themselves. For example, it could say, “(the couple’s names) wish to announce…”


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