Lifestyle Changes That Will stay After COVID 19

7 Lifestyle Changes That Will stay After COVID-19

This year humanity all over the globe has been hit by COVID-19 pandemic and some of the consequences are yet to be seen and experienced. However, despite all the negativity that came with the pandemic, it’s safe to say that people are now learning to live differently, which can be quite beneficial, despite what some might believe. Now, it’s completely normal to feel anxious and overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty regarding the future, but all things considered,

it’s safe to say that COVID-19 has brought upon us some lifestyle changes that will stay with us long after the pandemic is over.

People will become more self-aware regarding their health

self aware regarding their health

Some believe that coronavirus is akin to Spanish flu and that it can be deadly and dangerous, while others claim that it is a bit stronger than regular seasonal flu. Whatever the case, it is definite that people will become more self-aware and considerate when it comes to their health and well-being. So, anything from regular checkups to taking supplements and vitamins will become more common as people will take their health more seriously.

Family time will grow in importance

Family time will grow in importance

Obviously, being forced to stay indoors with children and family members can be quite daunting but that means that we will all have to make an effort to make that experience more fun and pleasant. Depending on everyone’s needs, it’s possible to play games, watch educational content online or try new recipes together. Being able to enjoy the presence of your loved ones is something we should all be grateful for. Additionally, staying in touch will be different, which is why Zoom meetings, Skype dates and video calls, in general, will grow in popularity and importance.

Hygiene and cleanliness will take the centre stage

Hygiene and cleanliness will take the centre stage

Now, this one doesn’t mean that humanity will collectively become ridden with OCD and anxiety, but due to the nature of the virus, everyone will be more careful regarding what they touch and the way they keep themselves clean and tidy. Therefore, similarly to Asian cultures, it will be perfectly fine to wear sterile surgical masks outdoors, mainly while using public transport and shopping in crowded supermarkets. Aside from that, due to their benefits, hand sanitizers, antibacterial soaps and baby wipes will become a regular part of one’s routine. Similarly, washing hands won’t be something done automatically, because people will put more effort into keeping their hands clean and germ-free.

Being obsessed with productivity isn’t going to be enough

Being obsessed with productivity isn’t going to be enough

Hard work and punctuality are good things, but when it comes to coronavirus, some things are more important than staying in the office until late and worrying about deadlines. Of course, that doesn’t mean that being a hard worker won’t matter in the future, but rather that in these special circumstances, people will have to put emphasis on other things as well, instead of being obsessed with making money and hitting those targets.

People will learn gratitude and humbleness

People will learn gratitude and humbleness

Before COVID-19 hit our collective consciousness, we rarely stopped to think bout everything others do for us. Thanks to the pandemic, everyone learned the importance of essential workers such as doctors, nurses and supermarket employees, because, without them, things would be much more difficult and disorganized. Hence, it is evident that this pandemic taught everybody to be grateful for everything they’ve got.

The way we travel will change for good

way we travel will change for good

Since coronavirus is easy to spread, travelling will become more rigorous meaning that governments and custom services will require travelers to provide proof of being free from the virus, while some will test passengers on the spot. It remains to be seen how this will affect traveling in the long run, but one thing is certain: things will be different, and we should get used to it.

Working from home is becoming normal

Working from home is becoming normal

Not too long ago, working from home was reserved for freelancers mostly, and if COVID-19 showed us something, it’s definitely a fact that it’s possible to work from home if your job doesn’t rely on your being physically present at your workplace. Some companies have decided to make this permanent, and it will be up to people to decide whether they want to keep it that way or not. After all, it’s quite obvious that working from home can be useful for young parents and older employees as they’ll have more freedom to get things done without worrying about their health and children that much.


Coronavirus pandemic came like a juggernaut and changed everything, so it’s essential for everyone to stay calm and be careful. As time goes by, it will become more clear what the future will bring, and in the meantime, staying present, thankful and alert will surely help everyone feel safe and healthy.


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